First LSD Experience Trip report
So a good friend of mine told me he could get some Acid and that he would get me it if I was interested. So I am grateful he got me it as a gift and we went on our journey.
“LSD burst over the dreary domain of the constipated bourgeoisie like the angelic herald of a new psychedelic millennium. We have never been the same since, nor will we ever be, for LSD demonstrated, even to skeptics, that the mansions of heaven and gardens of paradise lie within each and all of us.”
The Setting
I debated whether the beach or the river would be perfect for my first time. It was a very cloudy rainy day. So I decided that this beach that I go to and meditate and reflect would be the ideal place, since it is a rather secluded place.
And here is the major plus, it has a cave with an ocean view (The picture on top I am kneeling on the entrance of that cave). Which it can’t be better than that. So we were in the cave, the beach to ourselves, enjoyed some cannabis and waited for the journey to begin as we enjoyed some tunes.
The journey
I waited about an hour before I started to take off and then it hit me and the rocks in the cave started shimmering and flickering about as if we were in a disco. It was indeed very beautiful.
I then had to go peak outside and stare at the clouds and seeing it billowing about was just breathtaking. The trees above me looking majestically.
The ocean was rough and the waves crashing.
The sounds of the Earth pulsating it’s frequencies upon my ears.
I stood there in contemplation.
I stood there digging into my consciousness. Exploring my inner space and taking it all in.
When all of a sudden it started to rain and I stood there embracing that rain as I always do when it rains. For the way I see the world is sort of the same way I see it through LSD. I have that connection and appreciation for nature. I see it’s majestic beauty.
But with the LSD, my thoughts and perceptions are heightened and much more elevated, because as the rain trickled down and I felt the water trickle down my skin, I felt the beads of rain falling on every inch of my body. But to feel exactly where each one is hitting on your skin. CONNECTION.
It is a connection, a bond, I thought to myself We are all connected like strands, we are the strands stretching across the universe.
I looked up and the rain drops were falling down magically in slow motion. As I saw each rain drop as the water droplets that they are.
That water felt so wonderful and refreshing. I glanced at my forearm and saw the water become part of me because we are composed of that same water. CONNECTION!.
As I continued to stare at my forearms, I noticed my veins, You can see my vein normally because I don’t have much fat, but on LSD it was way more intense. Violets and blue lines running across my arm. It’s the roots that branch down to the earth.
I stood on front of that powerful ocean and I felt it breathe. I always thought to myself that the ocean is the Earths breath. LSD really confirmed that to me. Or maybe it’s the wind that is the breath. Depends on your perception of how you would view it. Maybe there is wind because of the ocean. But that’s besides the point.
I felt the energy of the ocean rush through my body. SYNERGY!
I felt like I could control the ocean with my supercharged energy within. The waves crashed in hard and it felt as if I could stop it from going further then I wanted.
There was a moment when a big wave came and I knew if I did run away it would get me. I jumped on a rock and braced for impact and put my back towards the ocean and held my ukulele to the front to protect it.
Lo and behold. Everything went into super low motion. and the water hit the rock below as water jumped up and over my head in super slow motion as I looked at the water whooshing across my head and on over me.
Not one drop of water touched me.
Am I captain planet? Who knows. Maybe I am. Maybe I did control time, as my friend did see it in slow motion as well. Perspective!
I would have loved to see it from his angle with the ocean as the backdrop.
Maybe I accessed more percentage of my brain in order for all of that go down.
Who knows?
Anything can be a reality or at least possible.
From there, we go on to the next chapter.
“I believe that with the advent of acid, we discovered a new way to think, and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind. Why is it that people think it’s so evil? What is it about it that scares people so deeply, even the guy that invented it, what is it? Because they’re afraid that there’s more to reality than they have confronted. That there are doors that they’re afraid to go in, and they don’t want us to go in there either, because if we go in we might learn something that they don’t know. And that makes us a little out of their control.”
-Ken kesey
The sea snail epiphany

If you watched the video, I spoke about the sea snail. This beautiful sea snail, vivid purple. That’s one thing with LSD, you see things way more vividly.
here is this sea snail on this flat rock which was about 3 x 2 and it was sitting on the edge of the ocean.
The sea snail was oozing it’s way across the rock, whilst the waves were crashing down on it very hard.
As the waves regressed, the snail was still oozing his slimy buttocks across the rock as happy ass it could be.
I then had this epiphany. I saw the snail a humanity, that rock was his world like the Earth is ours, Oh wait sorry, I mean the sliver of land with the borders around it with some flag that represents that sliver of land, is out world.
The wave was LIFE!
Life just keeps slapping us in the face, as we crawl and ooze our way through this life that we have made. The end of that rock is the end of our life. We must continue to persevere though all the slaps of the waves, continue through it’s crashing down on us.
But we don’t need to live a life where we ooze our way to death. We could choose to fly HIGH through life.
By that I mean we can try changing the environment around us. We live in a world burden by stress and we have made life more difficult then what it should be.
But that is always How I see our world, But LSD really turned it into a story and made the realization clearer. PERCEPTIONS!
I noticed that we live in a microcosm and that there are worlds upon worlds. Our world is a world in another world and within these worlds, are more worlds. We really don’t realize how truly tiny we are but how big or superior we make ourselves to be.
With LSD, You tend to see life through a magnifying glass. Like I said in the video, everything is magnified. I looked at a rock and saw the ants vividly crawling about circling around the other snails that stood hanging there. LIFE!
Police choppers hovering above us.
So as we were tripping there in the solitary beach, still not one soul showed up. But hey there goes the police chopper hovering above us. They came around about 4 times in which my friend starting become paranoid. Decided to leave. I was not worried. I mean we are at the public beach after all and we are just enjoying the day staring at rocks and controlling the ocean.
So we leave and head to another beach where there were people and I just felt weird. But the ocean and what has become the night sky and the moon was a beautiful thing. From there on out my trip got flat as I was taking out of my setting of nature.
“LSD was an incredible experience. Not that I’m recommending it for anybody else; but for me it kind of – it hammered home to me that reality was not a fixed thing. That the reality that we saw about us every day was one reality, and a valid one – but that there were others, different perspectives where different things have meaning that were just as valid. That had a profound effect on me.”
― Alan Moore
What I think about LSD
The trip lasted over 12 hours. 14 hours later and I was still getting the vivid visuals, just not so tense.
I really enjoyed the trip. I never did it before because of who I was before I opened my third eye so to speak. I feel that I would probably have seen things differently if I would have done it before. Maybe it would have revealed the true me or maybe I was ready for it.
I think we must get our minds right and when I say that I mean to be open minded about things. To take the journey and enjoy the ride. Not to take it just for the purpose of wanting to get fucked up.
I tried LSD because I am seeking a deeper connection to the Earth. To explore further my spirituality. To see it through different eyes, that is to say to embrace a different perception and reality and take the information that it gives me on the wonderful journey.
I would try it again but alone in my spot and at about 4 am to catch the sunrise and enjoy the day tripping out and connecting and taking another journey through the abyss of our minds and consciousness .
I don’t really know the dose I took. But I think I would like to try the heroic dosage.
Here is a video describing this trip report!
Hope you enjoyed this lengthy trip report and the video.
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