Alan Watts: What If Money Were No Object? (Video And Illustration)
What if money were no object?
I always fathom this question because it seems like our sole purpose in this life has become to amass as much money as we can, die and let it repeat with the next generations to go through with this same cycle.
We go on living in this rat race, doing things we hate just for money. Do we ever stop and ask why. Well mostly everyone will say to survive as this world has become survival of the fittest as we endlessly compete with one another and go through this regurgitated cycle.
All our lives we chase happiness only to find misery. Alan Watts said it best, what if money were no object? What would you be doing? Would you go on doing things you hate, just to go on living a miserable existence, letting stress eat at your health or would you do something you are passionate about.
Alan Watts (1915-1973) who held both a master’s degree in theology and a doctorate of divinity, is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism in particular, and Indian and Chinese philosophy in general. He authored more than 20 excellent books on the philosophy and psychology of religion, and lectured extensively, leaving behind a vast audio archive. With characteristic lucidity and humor Watts unravels the most obscure ontological and epistemological knots with the greatest of ease
Here is an illustration of Alan Watts and below that the video of his philosophy. Illustration taken from
what would you do if money were no object?
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