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Hello all of my radically wild souls and welcome to, A nature inspired Puerto Rico adventures, lifestyle & photography b/vlog.
The getting started page will introduce you to me, share some blog posts about what I do, then break my blog/content into categories for you to check out. My goal is to inspire you with the content I provide. To encourage others to explore this world and explore their own minds and their layers of conformity. To reconnect with their inner wildness and to the natural word.
One man on a journey..
This is the story of the journey and adventures of one man who packed all his belongings and moved from Brooklyn NY, to the paradise that is Puerto Rico to open a bar but ended up transforming who we he was awakening to see the beauty of life all around us and now lives off the grid, growing a food forest and living simplistic minimalist conscious & sustainable lifestyle,
My name is Jivan, Glad to see you make it on to my website. I Went from having a concrete materialistic mindset to becoming Radically Wild living a simplistic, minimalist conscious life as I have grown a deep connection to nature and to the self in the many enchanted places of the beautiful paradise ,

I quit drinking alcohol, became vegan, went completely barefoot and chose to make a difference as I have been on a mission in Puerto Rico to raise awareness to the trash all over the beautiful beaches and rivers. I became the self imposed guardian of the beaches and rivers.

Now I find myself living off the grid and growing a food forest on my farm as I practice permaculture. My goal is to create something beautiful and sustainable and hope that I can inspire more people to grow food.

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What you will find on my website?
On this site I share my thoughts on many things from my radically wild lifestyle and adventures in Puerto Rico through my videos, blog and photography, my journey of my transformation (Some will call it a “spiritual awakening”). I also share my thoughts on various topics about my environmental and cannabis activism in Puerto Rico , nature, Veganism, permaculture, sustainability and I also share inspiring documentaries and quotes.
Here is a list of my top blogs to get you started on what radically wild is all about.
Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico Vol. 2 February 2019
Radically Wild Photography Puerto Rico Is Paradise Vol. 1
Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico January 2019
Youtube channel
Barefoot Adventures
The world is my playground
From The Concrete Jungle To Becoming Radically Wild
Free The Feet: Why I Live Barefoot In Puerto Rico
Why Did I Move From Brooklyn To Puerto Rico
Shot At The Head For Defending Beach From Garbage In Puerto Rico
Why I Decided To Become Vegan And Why You Should Consider It Too
Why Quitting Alcohol Was The Best Decision I ever Made In My Life
Evolve: Finding Your True Nature
Sliding Down A Waterfall At A Beautiful River In Puerto RIco
Cliff Jumping Naked Into River Salto Curet Maricao, Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico IS My Playground EP. 11 Sliding Down A Rapid Waterfall Slide
Radically Wild Fail: Diving In Head First At A River In Puerto Rico #1
Why I decided to the be the guardian of the beaches and rivers in Puerto Rico
Smokers : The World Is Not An Ashtray Cigarette Butts Are Also Garbage
11 Facts Not To Use Plastic And What We Could Do About It.
Foreigners care about Puerto Rico More Than The People Born There
What It Means To Be An Earth Warrior
Threatened For Defending The Beach After A Rave At The Beach In Manati, Puerto RIco
Why I Protested For Cannabis At The Beaches of Puerto Rico
Why Cannabis Hemp In Puerto Rico Could Be The New Sugar Cane
Which Is More Harmful: Caffeine VS. Cannabis
I Did More For Our World Smoking Cannabis Than Most Who Drank Alcohol
A New World In Our Hearts: Visions of a Sustainable Future.
Video: Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest – An Invitation for Wildness
Must Watch Documentary: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
PHOTOS: The food I have Grown in Puerto Rico
(Animated Short Film) IN-SHADOW – A Modern Odyssey
Must Watch: Charlie Chaplin And His Great Thought-Provoking Speech
Watch This Thought-Provoking short – I am Nature
Documentary: Welcome To Puerto Rico (Fiesta Island) in the 1950’s
Ideas: Local Vegetable Waste Pickup For Composting Initiative Puerto Rico
Liquid Gold: Using Urine To Fertilize Your Garden
Simple Solution For Throwing Away Cigarette Butts
My challenge to the world: Grow just one Vegetable plant!