Quotes: Alejandro Jodorowsky on Awakening
“Awakening is not a thing. It is not a goal, not a concept. It is not something to be attained. It is a metamorphosis. If the caterpillar thinks about the butterfly it is to become, saying ‘And then I shall have wings and antennae,’ there will never be a butterfly. The caterpillar must accept its own disappearance in its transformation. When the marvelous butterfly takes wing, nothing of the caterpillar remains.” ― Alejandro Jodorowsky
Quote: Hermann Hesse on Phenomena
“I called the world of phenomena an illusion, I called my eyes and my tongue and accident, valueless phenomena. No, that is all over; I have awakened, I have really awakened and have just been born today.” ― Hermann Hesse,
Quote: Thoreau: I went to the woods..
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau
Quote: The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ― C.G. Jung
Poetry: My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem)
My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem) Every time I walk through the forest I feel that is where i belong. I feel a soothing calmness. The sounds of nature is music to my ears, the lush vegetation and the tall trees surrounding me as the cool breeze ruffles through the leaves I am at peace. forever rooted and connected to nature interwoven into the fabric of my being, as the sun peaks through the branches gently kissing my skin as i inhale the sweet aroma of the earth. frolicking in the beauty and the enjoying the splendors that is life. As my bare feet grounds upon the rich earth…