cultivate the revolution!
cultivate the revolution!

Cultivate the revolution! The revolution won’t take place in the streets with guns and violence. It won’t take place protesting for our natural rights, marching down streets trying to be heard, just to disperse by harassment and intimidation at the hands of our oppressors, also known as the corporate enforcers, who are just mere slaves themselves. The revolution will take place with the seeds we sow. It will take place when we start taking action and responsibility for ourselves. Our true independence. It all starts with the revolution of our minds, setting it free without the limitations we have set and cultivating the seeds of change, in order to build the seeds of hope and true prosperity, so that it may grow and flourish. Just like the beautiful plants that will grow from our hands that will sustain us. The revolution all takes place behind the green lush front lines of our backyards, return to the land of the lost, that has now become the land of the forbidden, the lands of exploitation, as we have allowed our natural resources to be exploited for their own gains as we sit behind the false prison of the wrong green color that we know as money, not realizing that growing our own food is like printing our own money.
“Observe Nature thoughrully rather than labour thoughtlessly”
Masanoby Fukuoka
Many would say that i want to go back to the way it was before, growing food etc. But they fail to see, that it is not about going back. It is about regaining our connection to the earth that we lost. We lost our ways. People might think we progressed but in reality we regressed. We now have become dependent on corporations and governments to do shit for us. We no longer provide for ourselves. We took the foundation and gave it to them and we now have no leg to stand on. So we are not going back, we would essentially be moving forward. Forward to our own independence. To our freedom. The revolution won’t take place staring at the 4 walls, glued to a TV set, it will take place with our hands in the dirt, staring at the sunset.
“Permaculture is revolution disguised as organic gardening”
Graham Burnett
There should be a forest of food, fruit trees on every corner. Fuck all these fast food places on every corner, replace it with an abundance of fruit and let everyone take what they need and eat from what nature provides them, The good earth is rich and could provide for everyone. They have replace good fertile land for bullshit Walmart’s. So instead of growing our very own foods under that land and having our own resources to produce, we now have to purchase that same food, laden with pesticides and chemicals that erodes the earth and poisons our waters. If there were to be a crisis, natural disaster, collapse, etc. We won’t have any food left, because we would be sitting on our knees waiting for the giant corporations to bring it to us and that is not sustainable. Too bad the people can’t see the big picture because they think this great government would come save them if some thing happens. We just keep digging ourselves into a hole, when we should stop digging that hole to bury ourselves, but start digging to cultivate change. Our future is looking bleak as they continually rape the land and we continuing to allow it. time to empower ourselves.
“It is time for all of us to make changes about how we live our lives and to follow a path of the heart. By following our intuition and inpiration we encourage our own acts of heartfelt genius and boldness. This makes us feel alive and vital, gives us a great purpose and harnesses parts of ourselves we may have neglected or didn’t even know we had. We no longer feel overwhelmed by the way the Earth’s resources are managed, but recognise that change is in our hands, yours and mine, the hands of extraordinary people who have made a leap of understanding and are determined to make a difference. We become part of the change by becoming part of the solution.”
Glennie Kindred
We are like the seeds emerging from the soil, but we don’t grow. We linger on looking up through that soil to see the bits of sunshine peeking through the soil, we are afraid to grow, to poke our heads out to experience all that sunshine. That sunshine which is our freedom. We have a correlation with the plants, but the only difference is that we are no longer rooted to the earth as we have lost that connection to it. We have forgotten the true foundation of our beings. We don’t give back to the earth, but seek to destroy it with our greed and ego. Our sun has become materialistic. We have become a petulant weed sprouting from concrete forever entrenched in our own bullshit.
Time to change our mentality, to change the way we view this world and each other. Time to take the proverbial pacifier away from your mouth! If we are going to remain on our knees, be it so that you are on your knees removing the weeds around what you grow. On your knees to sow the seeds. Not on our knees, shackled to this bullshit system. We must destroy capitalism to set ourselves free from the constraints. We must start growing our own foods, so that we can have a better future, in order not to leave this world to the next generations to come. The roads we take today, should be paved for tomorrow. We just keep taking the road to nowhere, when we could take the road going to sunshine. Sure, the roads will be bumpy, but i take those bumpy roads over these pothole filled roads, where we just end up with a flat on every corner. But we have a society that is fine with those flats. Just as long as they have someone to come along to fix that flat every so often. Most people often would tell me they don’t like tomatoes, but the sad part about that, is that they never tried a fresh picked off the vine tomato, because all that they ever ate is the stale pesticide laden tomato found at the supermarket. Shit, we have limited our palates, just like we have limited our minds to see our true potential as beings. We must teach our children the fundamentals, so that they may respect life and the earth around us, grow values. Let them realize that we come from this earth and it is where we will ultimately end up. Time to start cultivating food, grow food, grow peace, grow change. evolve!
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