Activism in PR,  Lifestyle

Video: How I Raise Awareness To Trash at The Beaches Of Puerto Rico

Since 2013, I have became the self-imposed guardian of the beaches of Puerto Rico. as I went on a journey to try to inspire change and wake others up because everywhere you go on this magical island gets trashed by many of the people who call this home.

I was tired of seeing all of this magic that is Puerto Rico be destroyed with trash and so I thought I needed to do something. So I start carrying my signs to many different beaches and rivers in one given day. I saw how my signs made a difference as people read them and started to become more conscious of their trash.

It has not been easy to do this and in the following video, you will see why. but I feel like I have to. If I could touch just one person with my message then my job is done.

I am not a non profit, I do this for the love of boriken AKA Puerto Rico. but if anyone would like to help support my mission. I accept donations here through venmo or paypal. I am trying desperately to get me a 360 camera for better content and to be able to show more of what I do for boriken. My amazon wishlist could be found on that link as well if anyone wants to help me.

Do you think it is a waste of my time to even try to raise awareness? Do you feel my signs are too radical? Please leave comments in the video and please like share and subscribe.

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