Video: Joe Rogan on the Society Trap: Do What You love. Stop Being Part Of The Machine.
Video: Joe Rogan: Do what you love. Stop being part of the machine.
“We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” he says. “So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s the reward? Go home and get a big TV.”
Everything said in this video by Joe Rogan, is something I, and I would assume most people are conveying. Just like Alan watts would say, do what you love and forget the money. But we are a cog in this machine. We end up doing things we hate, walking around with signs on our backs in 90 degree weather, handing out papers and I ask is this is your purpose on this world.
Many will say well get yourself a proper education and you can do what you love. But that’s a load of bs. Many people go into school thinking they know what they want and end up stuck in doing something they dread. Maybe what they thought they wanted to do was just something sold to them by their parents and friends. But doing something we love should come naturally.
Money should not be the reason we go out and do something. We are living in this world just to exist, just to live in artificial mediocrity. Many would say we can’t all do what we love. We continue to have this pessimistic view and we just continue to narrow our horizons to see past everything. We just accept everything for how they are because we have become numb to it all.
I think we can all do what we love. But it starts with changing our perception of things. How we view the world.