The One Trash Bag Challenge To Change Our Environment
The One Trash Bag Challenge To Change Our Environment
Hi there my beautiful wild souls. For over the past 5 years I have been walking around the beautiful beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico with signs to raise awareness to the trash people would leave behind.
As I went along the beaches and rivers, I would clean whatever garbage I found as I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers here and I think we could all be the the guardian of where ever we may be.
UPDATE! I wrote this in 2015 and now I see that now in 2019 people are doing a challenge to pick up trash. My challenge is similar.
My challenge is for every one person or group that goes to the beaches or river or wherever they may be and to pick up just one bag full of garbage from your surroundings. Just one.
follow me on instagram and facebook @radicallywild and tag your one bagful of trash #OneBagfulchallenge
Get your friends involved to pick up just one bagful of garbage anytime you
Little by little TOGETHER we can change all of this. It all starts with you. Starts with being the change. So let’s all do our part in changing this beautiful world of ours.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Today, I counted approximately over 100 people at the beach. Now imagine each person or group picks up 1 bag full of garbage from the surroundings that have been neglected. We are those dents and together collectively could make the biggest impact.
What a beautiful thing it is when we could come together as one. We can flip the script. It is us who could make a difference. Reverse the trend. One garbage bag is all it takes.
Starts with the roads around where you live, do you choose to drive by the filth everyday or do you chose to drive by flowers growing there instead.
Taking it further as I wrote here, 11 reasons to stop using plastic. Stop using plastic bags, plastic cups.. etc. When you go out to places take cups that you can reuse, shop with fabric bags. Think eco-friendly.
The things we do in our everyday life, do we contribute to the mess or do we try to do our best to better this world. We must go above and beyond.
The benefits to this is that you do something good for your world. something positive and at the same time, you will feel good in doing something good for your world.
Knowing that you are making the difference in this world and leaving a future that our future grandchildren could enjoy as well. It all starts TODAY! Please share. Much love and positive energy.