Watch This Thought-Provoking short – I am Nature
I am Nature
Here is this short, well done film campaign by WWF, I am nature. For WE ARE NATURE. It is something I always repeat though out my blog and vlogs. I believe we lost connection to nature, lost connection to the beauty that this Earth and thus we have lost connection with each other as we have now become walking corpses devoid of life.
Do we truly appreciate this gift of life that we have or do we go on to waste every minute of every second that we have on the mundane. Do we truly live life or do we just simulate how life is lived?
In I AM NATURE we reflect on the nature of us. Right now and in the moment. Not by the number of likes on our Facebook pages and not by the unopened mails in our in-boxes but rather through the art of personal reflection.
WWF aims its message directly to you, personally and direct. The viewer is pulled in by the powerful symbolism and imagery of the story, shown here in reverse. The film brings to life the still and natural beauty of nature and reminds us to take a step away from the hectic of everyday life. It awakens our born and inherited love of the outdoors. “I am Nature” is you. Is us. Make a change and get out there!
“I’m not my dozens of unread emails, I’m not my to-do list, I’m not the likes on my Facebook profile, and I’m not the fast food on my lunch break. I am the leaves falling on my shoulders, I’m the grass beneath my feet, I’m the wind blowing through the trees, I’m the water flowing between the stones, the soil running between my fingers. I’m the choices I make,”
Enjoy the video, leave comments below on what you think of the video, Do you think we are nature ?
In some ways this video reminded me of a poem I wrote which could be found here entitled My definition of life.