Activism in PR,  environment

Proposal: Punishment For Littering Our Beautiful World

Hello my beautiful wild souls, I have been living in Puerto Rico for 8 years and have spent the last 5 years on a mission spreading awareness about all this inundation of trash all over this beautiful island. I believe there needs to be stricter laws and punishment for littering. In this post I will write on what the government of Puerto Rico and everywhere else for that matter should do.

So many beautiful rivers and beaches in Puerto Rico and most of the well known ones get filled with trash on a daily basis.

If you drive down these beautiful roads you would also find trash everywhere. Beer cans everywhere as people here drink and drive without impunity.

So I think there needs to be a stricter law. If anyone is caught littering they should be hit with a large fine, even if it is just one plastic cup. A fine of 1,000 would suffice for first offense and going up after that.

Also anyone caught littering should also do 8 hours of community service of cleaning up the garbage on the roads, beaches and rivers. They would also plant fruit trees and flowers or they could refuse and choose 1 week of prison for their first offense.

Second offense. If the first time they don’t learn anything, for their second offense there punishment for litter would be a bigger fine and serve 3 days of that same community service. This time wearing a giant garbage bag to demonstrate the garbage that they are. Ok, Ok I got a bit radical there. Can you blame me?

There should also education on the environment from an early age. Cultivate a different mindset than the current one we have where the environment has just become an afterthought.

Furthermore I also believe that corporations should be held liable for the pollution they put out. But since they are all in bed with the government that would never happen. Governments and the political parasites are also trash and could only care about the money they pocket at the expense of the environment.

That is my proposal. Time to crack down on littering and send the people and the corporations a message of not accepting this any longer.

Over to you, Do you think there should be stricter laws concerning littering? What do you think of my proposal? What are some of your ideas on what should be done about littering. Please leave comments down below

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