Short Film: Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future In Puerto Rico
Here is a short film, Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future. Please share and watch this wonderful clip. Agriculturalist Stephanie Rodríguez is an inspiration. She is the change this island needs. I wrote about my vision for a sustainable future here. We need more people like her and others who can continue to grow food and produce locally. 85 percent of the food being imported here is not a good thing. I think more people should taking action to start changing that. I wrote a blog here that we should replace garbage with fruit trees. We are the change! Visit her page here. Film by Nicole harvey
Liquid Gold: Using Urine To Fertilize Your Garden
Liquid Gold: Using Urine To Fertilize Your Garden Urine to Fertilize your plants? You might be shaking your head , but here I will tell you about how beneficial it is to use urine to fertilize your plants. Now many people would be disgusted by that I use urine to fertilize my plants because we live in a world where we close off our minds to the unknown because we conform to what society considers normal. But we have a wealth of information on this here internet to do the proper research. But I will provide some information as to why I use urine and share tips on how you…
VIDEO: Agriculture In Puerto Rico in the 1940’s (Democracy at Work USDA)
Here is a video from the 1940’s entitled Democracy at Work in Rural Puerto Rico about agriculture in Puerto Rico, This 40s film, made by the U.S. Department of Agricultures Extension Service, chronicles the services the Extension Service provides to rural Puerto Rican families, including training in better farming methods, help with starting home-based businesses, and starting 4-H clubs for the kids. According to an editorial review on Amazon, “Democracy at work in Rural Puerto Rico, is a propaganda piece to teach the world what democracy offers for places like Puerto Rico and how much they and the United States have gained from the alliance. When it is not reminding…