Video: Why I Moved To Puerto Rico From Brooklyn New York
Welcome to my website, 13 years ago I moved to tis magical island that is boriken aka Puerto Rico from Brooklyn New York, What a beautiful journey it has been. Brooklyn was my cocoon and here in this magical paradise is where I found my freedom. Please check out my latest youtube video where I talk about why I moved to Puerto Rico From Brooklyn NY. Please subscribe and like
Vlog: From the concrete jungle to becoming radically wild in Puerto Rico
Hello all my radically wild souls. In this video I talk about how I went from being born and raised in the concrete jungle of Brooklyn, NY, to becoming radically wild. I have grown a deep connection to nature and in growing that deep connection, I have also grown a deep connection to myself. I also wrote a blog about this which goes deeper into the topic, which could be read here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my youtube channel. I will be posting more videos on my radically wild thoughts, perspectives, lifestyle and adventures here in Puerto Rico. Follow me on all social media @radicallywild