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cigarette butt
Activism in PR

Puerto Rico Beach Trash Stories: Shoving A Cigarette Inside A Cave Rock

Welcome to my blog. I will be sharing my beach trash stories here. For those that don’t know since 2013, I have been the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I would watch over what ever beach or river that I am in. To make sure others take their trash. On today’s beach trash story, …

cigarette butts
Activism in PR environment

Simple Solution For Throwing Away Cigarette Butts

Cigarette butts,  the most littered item in the world, with roughly 4.5 trillion being tossed each year. I wrote a blog about the world not being an ashtray, which can be found here. Down below I offer a solution to this problem. The lobbying group American for Nonsmokers’ Rights (ANR) reported that 1.69 billion pounds …

cigarette butts ashtray
Activism in PR environment

Smokers : The World Is Not An Ashtray Cigarette Butts Are Also Garbage

Smokers : The World Is Not An Ashtray Cigarette Butts Are Also Garbage Cigarette smokers I ask you, Do you treat your world like an ashtray because you think the world revolves around your bad habit? Are you not aware that Cigarette butts is also garbage and that it contaminates? I have been living in …