Must Watch Documentary: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity About 3 years back I wrote a blog about a new world in our hearts, a vision of a sustainable future which many around the world including myself has woken up to. I awoke to the illusion on front of me. To see the pit trap that is the government and the systems that have shackled us. There has to be a change in the way we see the world. Here is a great documentary speaking about the vision we share. About the film A feature-length documentary directed by Jordan Osmond and Samuel Alexander, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity takes us to Gippsland,…
A New World In Our Hearts: Visions of a Sustainable Future.
Visions of a sustainable future. “He who knows what sweets and virtues are in the ground, the waters, the plants, the heavens, and how to come at these enchantments, is the rich and royal man.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever envisioned a better world? a more sustainable future? One where we live from the land by growing our own foods, have our own renewable energy and in this post I go on further with a wonderful gallery down below of Earthen homes. I envision living in harmony and balance with nature and each other. There is a wonderful documentary about this topic called a simpler way, which can…