Audio Of Confrontation W/ The Lost Soul Who Shot At My Face In Puerto Rico
In February of 2019 I recorded a family leaving trash which can be seen by clicking here. Shortly after I was confronted by a lost soul whom the family in which I recorded called ahead to notify him that I recorded them as they wanted him to take my camera away. In the following video you will hear the audio of the confrontation with that lost soul, which resulted in me being beaten with a pistol and shot at the face. The bullet grazed by my cheekbone within centimeters of missing my face. You can read about the shooting here. Click Here for another video I recorded after the family…
Video: Shot At The Head In Puerto Rico For Recording Family Leave Garbage
I have been defending the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico for the last 5 years from litter as I grew tired of seeing how most of the people of this island treat this beautiful paradise. Here you can read why I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. On February 2019, At a beach that I took care of, I was shot for recording this family leave garbage behind. I recorded them in order to get them to take that garbage out with them. Read more about me getting shot for this here. Here you can listen to audio of the altercation. Here You will find…
What It Means To Be An Earth Warrior
What it means to be an Earth Warrior I have been living in Puerto Rico for about 8 years and I have been protesting with my signs around this beautiful island to raise awareness to the trash people throw all over this paradise. You could read and view pictures of my plight here. My plight would have me go to 5 different beaches all in one day. As I would walk down through these beaches I would collect any trash I would find along the way. I would go to the beaches and raised awareness with my many signs for humanities neglect of Mother Earth and from there my journey…