Video: How I Raise Awareness To Trash at The Beaches Of Puerto Rico
Since 2013, I have became the self-imposed guardian of the beaches of Puerto Rico. as I went on a journey to try to inspire change and wake others up because everywhere you go on this magical island gets trashed by many of the people who call this home. I was tired of seeing all of this magic that is Puerto Rico be destroyed with trash and so I thought I needed to do something. So I start carrying my signs to many different beaches and rivers in one given day. I saw how my signs made a difference as people read them and started to become more conscious of their…
Enjoying Beach In Puerto Rico. In Brooklyn, My Beach Was My Bathtub
Born and raised in Brooklyn, I was so disconnected from nature and to the self. I remember as kid we had the fire hydrants in the summertime to cool down. I remember playing in the middle of the road with incoming cars. I remember going to the beaches of coney island, Riis park, Far rockway. But for the most part, I remember spending most of my time in my cast iron bathtub. My bathtub was my beach. As an adult, I never went back to those dirty beaches. It was pointless, but now in Puerto Rico, the beautiful beaches and rivers are my bathtub. Now my inner child who never…
Puerto Rico Beach Trash Stories: Shoving A Cigarette Inside A Cave Rock
Welcome to my blog. I will be sharing my beach trash stories here. For those that don’t know since 2013, I have been the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I would watch over what ever beach or river that I am in. To make sure others take their trash. On today’s beach trash story, Yesterday at the beach in beautiful Puerto Rico,, a woman arrives with her boyfriend. She was smoking a cigarette. So being the guardian of the beach, I was watching her like a hawk. She came and started posing for the camera as her boyfriend was snapping pictures of her in the water as she smoked…
Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash
Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash Since 2013, I have been using my voice speaking out on all the trash that is found all over this beautiful paradise that is Boriken. I am considered radical by many because I never had a filter. I speak my truths, Never sugar coating anything. Many have felt offended by what I always say and probably why I never had much support on the island. As many see me as an outsider talking bad about the people or that I am trying to paint a bad image to the island. Which is not the…
Video: Tires Were Slashed at a Beach In Puerto Rico For the Third Time
My tires were slashed yet again for the third time in the span of three years. Every time it is always both tires of one side. It must be a person who knows me and who visits the beach as much as I do . I was just enjoying the beach, did not confront anyone and yet this happens. For 7 years, I have taken care of the beach as I became the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I have been shot in the face, Threatened many times. It gets exhausting when all you are trying to do is conserve this beautiful paradise from trash. Sometimes I feel like…
Video: On Being Shot At Head For Defending Beach From Trash In Puerto Rico
ON february of 2019, I was beaten over the head with a gun and shot at my face for recording a family leaving the trash at a beautiful beach in Puerto rico. Click here for the video in question. Click here to read more abut the shooting. In this video I talk abot what happened that day. I dropped the charges which i speak about in the video, but you can read here.in more details why I dropped the charges. Please subscribe to my youtube channel Follow me on Facebook and instagram
The Destruction Of Poza De Las Mujeres In Puerto Rico Continues
I am still shocked. But at this point I guess I shouldn’t be. About 4 years ago I wrote about the destruction of this beach in the hands of many of the people who leave their trash all over it. Which could be read here. Well the destruction continues not only to this beach but many beaches and rivers around the island. Allow me to introduce to you behind the scenes of Puerto Rico. This is the entrance to a beautiful beach, poza de las mujeres. This is how many of the people treat it. Oh and there is a large dumpster 10 feet to the right of this that…
Video: Many in Puerto Rico want the rivers and beaches open just to leave trash
The beaches and rivers have been closed in Puerto Rico for about 2 months now due to the pandemic. I am sure many of the people here in this beautiful paradise were anticipating returning back to all these beautiful spots to enjoy what this paradise has to offer. I am also sure that many of those people were thinking to themselves, I can’t wait to return to the beach or river just to leave my trash. You would think that many would learn to appreciate what they have when it is gone, but NOPE!. They would continue on with their bad habits and continue this cycle of trashing all this…
Ukulele Session: Singing About Trash In Puerto Rico
Here I am singing a song about the trash in Puerto Rico, but can also be applied to the rest of the world. I incorporated the many signs I walked around with for the past 5 years throughout the beaches and rivers in Puerto Rico as I went on a mission to raise awareness. I became the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read more about that.
Staying In Puerto Rico To Grow Food Forest In My New Farm
For the last eight years I have lived in the beautiful paradise that is Puerto Rico. What a journey that I have been on. The road has led to this point in time where I was deciding to stay or leave, a decision I struggled with because I love this island. So much magic all in a condensed area. But the decision was made easy when I finally was able to obtain farm land to create my vision of creating a magical food forest filled with the abundance of life. In this post I will write more about my journey and the farm. The start of my journey Initially I…