Many Families In Puerto Rico Enjoy The Island W/ Garbage
Ojo de agua, Manati, A beach that gets dirty all the time because the people want garbage cans conveniently for them everywhere even in hard to get to places like this. I cleaned what I could as I always do as I always do my one bag trash challenge. I picked up 3 bags of garbage. Seems to me that many families in Puerto Rico enjoying their beaches with garbage. By the way This is the same beach where a promoter had a rave at last year and in which he threatened me for speaking out about all the garbage they left there. click here to read . A family…
Why I Decided To Drop The Charges On Man Who Shot My Face In Puerto Rico
Why I Decided To Drop The Charges On Man Who Shot At My Face In PR On February of 2019 I was beaten with a pistol and shot at my face for recording a family leaving their garbage. The bullet of course missed within centimeters of my cheekbone, leaving an open gash on my face which I needed 4 stitches for. But fortunately I am very thankful for being alive. Click here to see the video I recorded of the family. Read more about the shooting by clicking here. There were many factors on my decision to drop the charges. In this post I will write about those factors. Audio…