Video: The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest? By Geoff Lawton
What is a Food Forest… A food forest, also called a forest garden, is a diverse planting of edible plants that attempts to mimic the ecosystems and patterns found in nature. Food forests are three dimensional designs, with life extending in all directions – up, down, and out. Generally, we recognize seven layers of a forest garden – the overstory, the understory, the shrub layer, the herbaceous layer, the root layer, the ground cover layer, and the vine layer. Some also like to recognize the mycelial layer, layer eight (mushrooms). Using these layers, we can fit more plants in an area without causing failure due to competition. Forests are ecosystems with a…
Documentary: Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest – An Invitation for Wildness
My vision is to create my own food forest one day, to leave something behind instead of those footprints we leave behind going no where. We should strive to leave positive footprints behind. In the small town of Riverton at the bottom of New Zealand’s South Island is Robert and Robyn Guyton’s amazing 23-year-old food forest. The 2-acre property has been transformed from a neglected piece of land into a thriving ecosystem of native and exotic trees where birds and insects live in abundance. Robert and Robyn are a huge inspiration to us, not only for their beautiful approach to healing the land and saving heritage trees and seeds, but…
Poetry: My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem)
My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem) Every time I walk through the forest I feel that is where i belong. I feel a soothing calmness. The sounds of nature is music to my ears, the lush vegetation and the tall trees surrounding me as the cool breeze ruffles through the leaves I am at peace. forever rooted and connected to nature interwoven into the fabric of my being, as the sun peaks through the branches gently kissing my skin as i inhale the sweet aroma of the earth. frolicking in the beauty and the enjoying the splendors that is life. As my bare feet grounds upon the rich earth…