Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash
Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash Since 2013, I have been using my voice speaking out on all the trash that is found all over this beautiful paradise that is Boriken. I am considered radical by many because I never had a filter. I speak my truths, Never sugar coating anything. Many have felt offended by what I always say and probably why I never had much support on the island. As many see me as an outsider talking bad about the people or that I am trying to paint a bad image to the island. Which is not the…
Video: Tires Were Slashed at a Beach In Puerto Rico For the Third Time
My tires were slashed yet again for the third time in the span of three years. Every time it is always both tires of one side. It must be a person who knows me and who visits the beach as much as I do . I was just enjoying the beach, did not confront anyone and yet this happens. For 7 years, I have taken care of the beach as I became the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I have been shot in the face, Threatened many times. It gets exhausting when all you are trying to do is conserve this beautiful paradise from trash. Sometimes I feel like…
Continúa la destrucción de Poza De Las Mujeres en Puerto Rico
Todavía estoy en shock. Pero en este punto, supongo que no debería. Hace unos 4 años escribí sobre la destrucción de esta playa en manos de muchas de las personas que dejan su basura por todas partes. Que se puede leer aquí. Bueno, la destrucción continúa no solo en esta playa sino en muchas playas y ríos alrededor de la isla. Permíteme presentarte detrás de escena de Puerto Rico. Esta es la entrada a una hermosa playa, poza de las mujeres. Así es como muchas personas lo tratan. Ah, y hay un gran contenedor de basura a 10 pies a la derecha de este que se encuentra vacío. Entonces, muchas…
The Destruction Of Poza De Las Mujeres In Puerto Rico Continues
I am still shocked. But at this point I guess I shouldn’t be. About 4 years ago I wrote about the destruction of this beach in the hands of many of the people who leave their trash all over it. Which could be read here. Well the destruction continues not only to this beach but many beaches and rivers around the island. Allow me to introduce to you behind the scenes of Puerto Rico. This is the entrance to a beautiful beach, poza de las mujeres. This is how many of the people treat it. Oh and there is a large dumpster 10 feet to the right of this that…
Video: The Stupidity Of Humanity: Finding Mask At The Beach
The stupidity of humanity. The first week they reopen the beaches here in Puerto Rico and this is what I find. The newest addition of trash to be found everywhere alongside diapers, beer cans, cigarette butts and plastic everything. We as humans are worried about this pandemic, but we should be worried about what we are doing to the planet. We are the real virus consuming everything in site and destroying the planet and the species that inhabit it. We must start changing our ways and decide to start being the cure. Here is a video I made paying homage to 1960’s horror trailers. Enjoy Please share and leave comments…
Ukulele Session: Singing About Trash In Puerto Rico
Here I am singing a song about the trash in Puerto Rico, but can also be applied to the rest of the world. I incorporated the many signs I walked around with for the past 5 years throughout the beaches and rivers in Puerto Rico as I went on a mission to raise awareness. I became the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read more about that.
Video: In Puerto Rico Many Of The People Grow Garbage Not Food
In the beautiful paradise Puerto Rico The majority of the people Grow Garbage, not food as you would find garbage all over the roads and the beautiful beaches and rivers . Which is why for the past 5 years I have dedicated my time to walk around with signs and clean up the beaches and rivers as I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read about that. I have lived in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico for the last 8 years. Here we have such a beautiful paradise and sadly I find that the majority of the people do not love this…
Muchas Familias En Puerto Rico Disfrutan De La Isla Con Basura
Ojo de agua, Manati, una playa que se ensucia todo el tiempo porque la gente quiere botes de basura convenientemente para ellos en todas partes, incluso en lugares difíciles de llegar. Limpié lo que pude como siempre lo hago, como siempre hago mi desafío de basura de una bolsa. Recogí 3 bolsas de basura. Me parece que muchas familias en Puerto Rico disfrutan de sus playas con basura. Por cierto, esta es la misma playa donde un promotor tuvo un rave fiesta el año pasado y en la que me amenazó por hablar sobre toda la basura que dejaron allí. Haga clic aquí para leer. Una familia deja más basura…
Many Families In Puerto Rico Enjoy The Island W/ Garbage
Ojo de agua, Manati, A beach that gets dirty all the time because the people want garbage cans conveniently for them everywhere even in hard to get to places like this. I cleaned what I could as I always do as I always do my one bag trash challenge. I picked up 3 bags of garbage. Seems to me that many families in Puerto Rico enjoying their beaches with garbage. By the way This is the same beach where a promoter had a rave at last year and in which he threatened me for speaking out about all the garbage they left there. click here to read . A family…
Puerto Rico: ¡Reemplace la basura con flores y árboles frutales!
Puerto Rico: ¡Reemplace la basura con flores y árboles frutales! He estado viviendo en el hermoso paraíso perdido que es Puerto Rico durante los últimos 8 años. Cuando digo paraíso perdido, lo digo porque siento que este hermoso paraíso se ha perdido porque la gente lo ha descuidado. Es la razón por la que quiero ver a Puerto Rico reemplazar la basura con flores y árboles frutales. Durante los últimos 5 años he estado en una cruzada para concienciar a la gente de toda la basura alrededor de esta isla, ya que elegí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos cuando me cansé de ver que una isla…