Vlog: Growing Happy Peppers and Carrots In Off Grid Food Forest In Puerto Rico
Carrots, Pepper Oh my. What a beautiful journey it has been for me coming from being born and raised in Brooklyn NY and now living in this beautiful paradise that is Boriken AKA Puerto Rico for the last 13 years. Here is where I went on a beautiful journey of change and where I am now growing a beautiful food forest. Also want to thank everyone for the love and support and grate to those who have gotten me things from my amazon wishlist. I have a camera on the list to help me produce better content to raise awareness and for my adventures and what I a doing on…
Off Grid Puerto Rico Food Forest Nov. 2021 Update
Here is a quick update at the beginning of my Puerto Rico food forest . Things are taking shape at my farm here in Boriken. It feels wonderful to see everything growing. I had this farm for 2 years now. I live a simple life without much money because I enjoy living this way, but it has been hard to get many things. I get things when I could. Little by little building my masterpiece. I look forward to the next chapters on this journey of growing a food forest here. Look forward to continue getting different fruit trees of all types. Also Many different flowering shrubs for the pollinators.…
Growing plantains in my farm in Puerto Rico vlog #3
The first thing I started to grow on my farm, Plantains! Plantains are members of the banana family, but they are starchier and lower in sugar. I plan on growing so much plantains and bananas on in my food forest. Follow me on my journey, subscribe to my youtube channel and visit me on all social media @radicallywild.. BE wild everyone!
Staying In Puerto Rico To Grow Food Forest In My New Farm
For the last eight years I have lived in the beautiful paradise that is Puerto Rico. What a journey that I have been on. The road has led to this point in time where I was deciding to stay or leave, a decision I struggled with because I love this island. So much magic all in a condensed area. But the decision was made easy when I finally was able to obtain farm land to create my vision of creating a magical food forest filled with the abundance of life. In this post I will write more about my journey and the farm. The start of my journey Initially I…
cultivate the revolution!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] cultivate the revolution! Cultivate the revolution! The revolution won’t take place in the streets with guns and violence. It won’t take place protesting for our natural rights, marching down streets trying to be heard, just to disperse by harassment and intimidation at the hands of our oppressors, also known as the corporate enforcers, who are just mere slaves themselves. The revolution will take place with the seeds we sow. It will take place when we start taking action and responsibility for ourselves. Our true independence. It all starts with the revolution of our minds, setting it free without the limitations we have set and cultivating the seeds of change,…