Taking Care Of The Beaches Of Puerto Rico Memorial Day weekend
Hello all my wild souls, down below is this weeks video of walking with my signs and taking care of the beaches of Puerto RIco. what a long week doing what I do. It was another exhausting week as Iwent to another 5 beaches with my signs. Also handing out bags and cleaning beaches. 3 straight days of being the guardian of the beaches. I really wanted to go to a secluded river and just be with myself and relax. But when these holidays come, I feel like I must go protect the beach and the oceans. I feel like its also my opportunity to plant seeds of change. The…
Enjoying Beach In Puerto Rico. In Brooklyn, My Beach Was My Bathtub
Born and raised in Brooklyn, I was so disconnected from nature and to the self. I remember as kid we had the fire hydrants in the summertime to cool down. I remember playing in the middle of the road with incoming cars. I remember going to the beaches of coney island, Riis park, Far rockway. But for the most part, I remember spending most of my time in my cast iron bathtub. My bathtub was my beach. As an adult, I never went back to those dirty beaches. It was pointless, but now in Puerto Rico, the beautiful beaches and rivers are my bathtub. Now my inner child who never…
Vlog: Why I became the guardian of the beaches of Puerto Rico
Hello all my radically wild souls. In this video I share my thoughts on why I became the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico. I also wrote a blog about this topic. Click here to read more. Click here for another protest I did on the beaches. Where I put a plastic bag over my head and a necklace of garbage to get my point across. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my youtube channel. I will be posting more videos on my radically wild thoughts, perspectives, lifestyle and adventures here in Puerto Rico. Follow me on all social media @radicallywild