Why Do We celebrate A New Year? When Everyday Should Be a Celebration!
Why Do We celebrate A New Year? When Everyday Should Be a Celebration! A New Year, why do we celebrate it? I often see things in a different perspective and it is something we need to do. We need to step back and reanalyze everything. Question everything. I look at all these “holidays” that we are all accustomed to accept. The normal tradition that we live through. We are told when we must celebrate things. We live in this regurgitated cycle of the mundane. Always living in a scheduled time and time should not be scheduled, for it should be random, as life should be a random voyage through time.…
Poetry: My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem)
My Definition Of Life (Cosmic Earth Poem) Every time I walk through the forest I feel that is where i belong. I feel a soothing calmness. The sounds of nature is music to my ears, the lush vegetation and the tall trees surrounding me as the cool breeze ruffles through the leaves I am at peace. forever rooted and connected to nature interwoven into the fabric of my being, as the sun peaks through the branches gently kissing my skin as i inhale the sweet aroma of the earth. frolicking in the beauty and the enjoying the splendors that is life. As my bare feet grounds upon the rich earth…
Message From Beyond The Grave (Near Death Experience)
Message from beyond the grave As I lay here on my grave, a rotting corpse, bones, a remnant of what used to be life. I write this message for those who take life for granted and for those that don’t realize how short life truly is and how little we cherish it. This past weekend, I died. In an instant my life was taken from me as I just begun to start living. Sure I was a little negligent but death lurks on every corner, with every blink of our eye, with every breath we take and for me, with the very last step we take. “Seeing death as the…
The path we choose
The path we choose. In this beautiful one life that we live we are confounded with choice. We are left with our mind and with our wits to make decisions and these decisions we make have a profound impact in our lives. It is the road we take in life, the path we choose that take us on a journey, for life is a wonderful journey wound by an enigma. We face the dark windy roads that could lead further down hill or to the scenic route of sunshine. Every step we take and with every thought we take, we send ripples through time., changing our very fabric of being.…