First Drone Footage Of Puerto Rico Off Grid Food Forest Jungle
Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by. Here is the first drone shots of my Puerto Rico off grid food forest jungle. Very grateful to the wonderful person who donated a drone to me to make this possible. My food forest is filled with many trees such as avocados, breadfruits, oranges, soursop, you could see what I grow on the food forest tour video. Please subscribe to my youtube channel and visit me on all social media @ Radicallywild
Video: Tires Were Slashed at a Beach In Puerto Rico For the Third Time
My tires were slashed yet again for the third time in the span of three years. Every time it is always both tires of one side. It must be a person who knows me and who visits the beach as much as I do . I was just enjoying the beach, did not confront anyone and yet this happens. For 7 years, I have taken care of the beach as I became the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I have been shot in the face, Threatened many times. It gets exhausting when all you are trying to do is conserve this beautiful paradise from trash. Sometimes I feel like…
Video: Failed Attempt at Selling Avocados in Puerto Rico
I had an abundance of Avocados on my farm. I attempted to go on selling avocados alongside the road to make extra income. Stood there 2 days but to no avail. Check out the video to see what I did with them. For the next time, I have a better plan on selling avocados here. If anyone would like to donate to help me oput on the farm. I would greatly appreciate any help. I accept donations on paypal
Painting the Dining Room Of My Off Grid Home In Puerto Rico
After 2 years I am finally able to paint the dining room. I live a simple life. I am trying to do more with as little as possible. The whole house is getting painted outside as well. stay tuned for more and thanks to everyone for following me on this journey and for your support.
Vlog: Why I became the guardian of the beaches of Puerto Rico
Hello all my radically wild souls. In this video I share my thoughts on why I became the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico. I also wrote a blog about this topic. Click here to read more. Click here for another protest I did on the beaches. Where I put a plastic bag over my head and a necklace of garbage to get my point across. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my youtube channel. I will be posting more videos on my radically wild thoughts, perspectives, lifestyle and adventures here in Puerto Rico. Follow me on all social media @radicallywild
Chopping a fallen tree with a machete in my farm in Puerto Rico vlog #4
Here On my beautiful farm in beautiful Puerto Rico, A gumbo limbo tree has fallen and blocked my way out on the road. All I had was a machete in my farm, so I went to work to try to remove the big trunk. Took me a while but finally got the job done. Please subscribe to my youtube channel as I will be posting more of my adventures and sharing my radically wild lifestyle, perspectives, my adventures on my farm and through out this beautiful paradise and please visit me on all social media @radicallywild
Me Voy De Puerto Rico Para Viajar Y Encontrar Un Nuevo Lugar Para Llamar Mi Hogar
Mi Español no es tan bueno. Esto fue traducido de su versión original en inglés. Si hay errores por favor dejar me sabe. Gracias. He estado viviendo en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico durante los últimos 8 años, a través de Brooklyn, NY. Haga clic aquí para leer por qué me mudé a Puerto Rico. Durante los últimos 5 años, he dedicado mi tiempo a cuidar las hermosas playas y ríos, ya que decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos. (Haga clic para leer el motivo). Caminaba con carteles para concienciar a todas las personas que dejan la basura. Además, limpiaría las playas y los ríos…
Por qué me mudé a Puerto Rico desde Brooklyn NY
¿Por qué me mudé de Brooklyn a Puerto Rico? Primero, soy un alma que no cree en el concepto de países, raza, banderas o patriotismo. (lea por qué creo que la raza es irrelevante aquí). Con eso en mente, aterricé, es decir, nací y crecí en la jungla de cemento de Brooklyn, Nueva York. Durante los últimos 8 años, me encontré viviendo en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico. Mucha gente pregunta por qué decidí mudarme a Puerto Rico. En este post, escribiré por qué. Viviendo en hawai Mi viaje comenzó en Hawai. Viví toda mi vida en Brooklyn con la excepción de haber vivido en las islas de Hawai.…
Why I Moved To Puerto Rico From Brooklyn NY
Why Did I Move From Brooklyn To Puerto Rico First, I am a soul who doesn’t believe in the concept of countries, race, flags or patriotism. (read why I believe race is irrelevant and shout be evolved here.) With that in mind, I landed, that that is to say, I was born and raised in the concrete jungle of Brooklyn, NY. For the last 8 years, I found myself living in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. Many people ask why I decided to move to Puerto Rico. In this post I will write why. Living in Hawaii My journey started in Hawaii. I lived all my life in Brooklyn…
Going From The Concrete Jungle To Becoming Radically Wild
Going From The Concrete Jungle To Becoming Radically Wild I went from the concrete jungle having been born and raised all my life in the city of Brooklyn NY, to becoming radically wild. I woke up to a different perspective in life, to appreciate and cherish the beauty of the world and mother nature. One of growing love, compassion and finding my inner wild child and regrowing who I am. In this post I write about my radical transformation and hope to inspire others to grow their wild roots. I have grown a deep profound connection to nature having now lived 7 years in the paradise that is Puerto Rico,…