Audio Of Confrontation W/ The Lost Soul Who Shot At My Face In Puerto Rico
In February of 2019 I recorded a family leaving trash which can be seen by clicking here. Shortly after I was confronted by a lost soul whom the family in which I recorded called ahead to notify him that I recorded them as they wanted him to take my camera away. In the following video you will hear the audio of the confrontation with that lost soul, which resulted in me being beaten with a pistol and shot at the face. The bullet grazed by my cheekbone within centimeters of missing my face. You can read about the shooting here. Click Here for another video I recorded after the family…
Video: Me Dispararon En La Cabeza Por Grabar A Esta Familia Dejando Basura En La Playa En PR
VIDEO ABAJO Hola me llamo Jivan, Mi español no es tan bueno como no soy de aquí, llevo 8 años en el paraíso que es Puerto Rico. Vengo De Brooklyn, Ny. Puedes leer porque me mude para PR aqui. También puede ver Más contenido en el lado inglés de mi website aqui . ENGLISH HERE. More content on the english side. Dale Aquí puedes leer mas sobre el disparo. Dale Aqui puedes leer por que retire los cargos contra esa alma perdida. Dale Aqui para escuchar audio minutos ante del disparo Yo cuidaba las playas y rios de Puerto Rico He estado defendiendo las playas y ríos de la basura…
Video: Shot At The Head In Puerto Rico For Recording Family Leave Garbage
I have been defending the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico for the last 5 years from litter as I grew tired of seeing how most of the people of this island treat this beautiful paradise. Here you can read why I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. On February 2019, At a beach that I took care of, I was shot for recording this family leave garbage behind. I recorded them in order to get them to take that garbage out with them. Read more about me getting shot for this here. Here you can listen to audio of the altercation. Here You will find…
Shot At The Head For Defending Beach From Garbage In Puerto Rico
Shot At My Head For Defending A Beach From Garbage In Puerto Rico Hello , My name is JIvan. On February 2019 in a beautiful beach In Puerto Rico, I was beaten over the head with a pistol repeatedly and shot at my head with the bullet missing within centimeters of my face. All for briefly recording 1/4 of a family of close to 20 people who left their garbage at a beach in which I have defended mostly everyday. For over the last 5 years I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers and raise awareness to the garbage by educating the people with my environmental…
Me dispararon en la cabeza por defender una playa de la basura en Puerto Rico
Me dispararon en la cabeza por defender una playa de la basura en Puerto Rico Mi español no es tan bueno esto fue google translated. English aqui Hola mi llamo Jivan, En febrero de 2019, en una hermosa playa de Puerto Rico, me golpearon en la cabeza con una pistola repetidamente y me dispararon en la cabeza con la bala que rozaba a pocos centímetros de mi cara. Para grabar 1/4 de una familia de cerca de 20 personas que dejaron su basura en una playa en la que he defendido casi todos los días. Durante los últimos 5 años, decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos…
Not Allowed Into Courtroom To Testify Because I Live Barefoot In Puerto Rico
I have been living in the beautiful paradise known as Puerto Rico for the past 8 years. I have been living completetly barefoot for the last three years. Here you can read why I decided to live barefoot. I have been on a mission across the beaches and rivers for the last 5 years and would walk around with signs to raise awareness to how we treat this beautiful world with garbage. I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers as I think we should all be of this beautiful world. On February 2019, I was beaten with a gun over my head and shot at my…
Free The Feet: Why I Live Barefoot In Puerto Rico
I have been living in the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico for the past 7 years and for the past three years I have been living completely barefoot. It has been an exhilarating experience. In this post I will share why I decided to live barefoot in Puerto RIco. Watch my barefoot adventures by clicking here I have been on a journey of self-realization as I like many, have conformed to a way of being. We have conformed to the many layers and mask we choose to wear that we are just not aware of. In this wonderful journey, I have been uncovering those layers of the self. One…
Why Quitting Alcohol Was The Best Decision I ever Made In My Life
Over five years ago I decided to make a monumental life altering decision to quit drinking alcohol and I believe it to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. I started drinking at the early age of 15 and alcohol grew to be a part of the routine, the cycle of endless binging every week. I became a bartender to continue getting my drink on and even becoming a DJ to feed my craving of drinking and partying. Alcohol was my answer to solve all of my problems. I would drink to for the temporary release of stress. I lived in depression for most of my life,…
Evolving who we are: How I found My True Self In Nature
Evolving who we are: How I found My True Self In Nature Are you comfortable in your own skin and is the skin you are in truly yours? Are you aware of your true nature? I felt like I have been a deep slumber all my life and now just have awoken to life as I did not know who I really was. “When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened.”― Shannon L. Alder Humanity. We are easily manipulated into conformity. Easily manipulated since birth into becoming who we…
A New World In Our Hearts: Visions of a Sustainable Future.
Visions of a sustainable future. “He who knows what sweets and virtues are in the ground, the waters, the plants, the heavens, and how to come at these enchantments, is the rich and royal man.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever envisioned a better world? a more sustainable future? One where we live from the land by growing our own foods, have our own renewable energy and in this post I go on further with a wonderful gallery down below of Earthen homes. I envision living in harmony and balance with nature and each other. There is a wonderful documentary about this topic called a simpler way, which can…