VIDEO: How I Raised Awareness To Litter At The Beaches And Rivers Of Puerto Rico
VIDEO: How I Raised Awareness To Litter At The Beaches And Rivers Of Puerto Rico For over the last 5 years I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers of the beaches here in the paradise that is Puerto Rico. Down below this post you will find a video of what I did for those who never seen what I do on weekly and mostly daily basis as I would carry my signs to many beaches and rivers here to raise awareness to the trash people would leave behind. I tried my best to visit as many beaches and rivers as I could so that I could…
Why What I Did For The Beaches Of Puerto Rico Is A Lost Cause
Why What I Did For The Beaches Of Puerto Rico Is A Lost Cause Revised July 28, 2020 I am currently living on the island of Puerto Rico where I have resided for over the past 9 years. For the past 6 years, I have been on an ongoing mission protesting in various beaches and rivers on this island with my signs as I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read why. My goal My goal was to educate and raise awareness to the people from all the litter that they leave behind at the beaches and rivers and so that they can…
Watch What Happens When Humanity Ignores Garbage (Short Film)
Watch What Happens When Humanity Ignores Garbage Here is a video Raising awareness to pollution. When i arrive to the beach, the first thing i do is look around and pick up any garbage that there might be. Anything going into the ocean or anything that can be blown by the wind into the ocean, cups, bags. It is our responsibility to take action and keep our world clean. Whatever we can do, no matter how small. It still makes an impact and we have to be the collective dents to make a big enough impact and that can only happen if we all work together. Work towards bettering our…
WATCH: When Birds Eat Plastic
I protest for those who can’t speak for themselves as I wrote in this blog. Time to start making a change in our world. I think we need to stop using plastic, stop accepting plastic bags in the store, stop using plastic cups. We do live in a world that it has become unavoidable to use plastic. But if we can reduce our way of consumption we can start making the changes and we must find alternatives to plastic, such as cannabis hemp where we can make biodegradable plastic.
Why I protested Standing On A Toilet On A Beach In Puerto Rico
On the summer of 2015, I was astounded to find a toilet in a beautiful beach here in Puerto Rico. People sat next to it as if it was a normal fixture to nature and there it stood for a week or 2 at the same spot. After a while, I had enough and I removed the toilet from the sandy area and at first I tried to lift that toilet to take it out but the smelly toilet was filled with what I believed as urine, perhaps even poop and garbage and all that liquid started to leak out of the bottom and onto my leg. So as enraged…