This Is The Puerto RIco That I Love EP. 1
Every week I will bring you videos of all the beautiful places in PR that I love. All the magic of this beautiful paradise. Subscribe, like and share. More adventures await. be sure to check out my other series, Puerto Rico is my playground and my radically wild barefoot adventures
Video: Puerto Rico: Paradise or landfill? This Is Puerto Rico! Which one do you Prefer?
Video: Puerto Rico Paradise or landfill? Which World Do We Prefer Puerto Rico Paradise or landfill? This question also applies to most of the world. I drive around this beautiful island, visit the beaches and rivers and all I find is trash everywhere. We have forgotten how this world could really be a paradise. We have to look at the beauty of what it is and start changing the way we treat this beautiful world around us and how we view it. We have taken heaven and confined it into prison. Here is a video I made of the beautiful places in Puerto Rico, the one side they show you…