Anti-Patriotism : An Essay by Han Ryner 1934
I, like many, have been indoctrinated with patriotism, indoctrinated to pledge allegiance to your country. But I woke up to a new world, a new perspective. Now I find patriotism to be nothing but a farce, a disease that has plagued humanity as I wrote here. Here is a piece wrote by Han Ryner in 1934, Han Ryner, was a French individualist anarchist philosopher and activist and a novelist. Anti-Patriotism by Han Ryner Will I manage to avoid here those considerations that belong more in the articles on Fatherland and Patriotism? Anti-patriotism was the reaction of reason and sentiment the moment patriotism reigned. It took on diverse forms in accordance…
Why Patriotism Is A Disease That Has Plagued Humanity
Why Patriotism Is A Disease That Has Plagued Humanity “Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” – Albert Einstein What is Patriotism: devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country. From birth we are instilled to pledge allegiance to a flag. A flag that represents the sliver of land that we call a country. That in some cases at one time was conquered through genocide and bloodshed. A sliver of land confining us by arbitrary borders as we have become nothing but domesticated cattle. Just flocks among flocks. To devote ourselves to this piece of land, to die for this land. We go on thinking that…
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended What is a race? I often ask myself what the is race. what defines a race. Is it where you come from. Is it the culture that comes from that area. What is the point? I believe the concept of race was made to keep us divided. It’s like they rounded us up as cattle and we tend to only care about our own heard as we go on thinking that our supposed race is superior to all others. We have confined our minds with this old world view as we continue to inherit and pass on this closed off mindset in…