Blue is Trendy
Drasa eget konvallis an conde mentum iongue nore semi. Proin metus duia im eleifend mollisa de quise pulvinar an retus. Nulla saretra hapien im ultricies duia blandit, adipisce mentuma de tortor rhoncus. In donec gravida laomene netue am constrane manie dignissim uto. In ligula felis, tempus vel esta, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at duia sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisle. Donec sagittis, risus vitae mollis pretium, tellus turpis feugiat me, am cursus niba metus quis tortor. Integer ultricies amet non risus enean eu fringilla diam. Mauris iaculis facilisis sem sit amet blandie tirimano namer nire placerat enimure. Maecenas faucibus feugiat congue. Nam fringilla eros at ante consequat, at commodo nisle…
Explore the Wild
Erasa eget konvallis an conde mentum iongue nore semi. Proin metus duia im eleifend mollisa de quise pulvinar an retus. Nulla saretra hapien im ultricies duia blandit, adipisce mentuma de tortor rhoncus. In donec gravida laomene netue am constrane manie dignissim uto. In ligula felis, tempus vel esta, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at duia sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisle. Donec sagittis, risus vitae mollis pretium, tellus turpis feugiat me, am cursus niba metus quis tortor. Integer ultricies amet non risus enean eu fringilla diam. Mauris iaculis facilisis sem sit amet blandie tirimano namer nire placerat enimure. Maecenas faucibus feugiat congue. Nam fringilla eros at ante consequat, at commodo nisle…
Desert Shoots
Krasa eget konvallis an conde mentum iongue nore semi. Proin metus duia im eleifend mollisa de quise pulvinar an retus. Nulla saretra hapien im ultricies duia blandit, adipisce mentuma de tortor rhoncus. In donec gravida laomene netue am constrane manie dignissim uto. In ligula felis, tempus vel esta, pellentesque fermentum ligula. Proin at duia sagittis, rutrum velit in, fermentum nisle. Donec sagittis, risus vitae mollis pretium, tellus turpis feugiat me, am cursus niba metus quis tortor. Integer ultricies amet non risus enean eu fringilla diam. Mauris iaculis facilisis sem sit amet blandie tirimano namer nire placerat enimure. Maecenas faucibus feugiat congue. Nam fringilla eros at ante consequat, at commodo nisle…
Summer Scope Ispire
Dorem ipsum dolor sitna amet, no ectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Em iquam sat amet ligula eta justo tincidunt lam sreet nome vitae lorem. Aliquam porttitor tellus enim, egeta comade augue porta ut maecenas lobortis ligula veli teluna ultrices odio. korbi durie metus fringilla quisurna vitae, fringilla tristique nibhe. Donec ultrices est utria dapibus dapibus. Nuncia fermentum vinerra risus mollisa ante commodo sitse amete. Vestibulum enima necira lectuse volutpam dignissim velsitare ametus pulvinaruse. Menas sodales noreakinore pibhse egestas gravida domira omcin mauris virede ronka wenimed lucturia raesent velonerus orcia dusmana semperik augue otierdume sapien pelena tesrue quisa sodalerima tellimuse blandie mandirse pradinfe. Pellentesque atria aliquet magna. Mauris velmi…
Quote: John Muir On How Everything In Wild Nature Fits Into Us
” Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.” ― John Muir
Inspirational Quotes: G.I. Gurdjieff On Liberation
“LIBERATION LEADS TO LIBERATION. These are the first words of truth — not truth in quotation marks but truth in the real meaning of the word; truth which is not merely theoretical, not simply a word, but truth that can be realized in practice. The meaning behind these words may be explained as follows: By liberation is meant the liberation which is the aim of all schools, all religions, at all times. This liberation can indeed be very great. All men desire it and strive after it. But it cannot be attained without the first liberation, a lesser liberation. The great liberation is liberation from influences outside us. The lesser…
Poetry: Charlie Chaplin’s Beautifully Inspirational Poem On Self Love
Poetry: Charlie Chaplin’s Beautifully Inspirational Poem On Self Love Charlie Chaplin was a wise old-soul with a keen sense of wisdom beyond his era. His timeless words carry the power to affect the heart and inspire the mind – and it’s incredible to think his powerful speech from The Great Dictator (see here) came out in the 40’s. The macrocosmic message of that speech is something needed now more than ever, but there’s another lesser-known poem of his has, that has a similar impact on a microcosmic (or more intimate) level. This poem onlself love, entitled “As I Began to Love Myself”, is something each of us can relate to,…
Quote: Adyashanti On Attachments And Letting Everything End
“There is a great momentum of suffering and confusion that every spiritual seeker encounters. It is the momentum of ignorance which manifests as the experience of conflict and confusion and which causes suffering. In order to discover the perspective of liberation, which alone transcends this entire movement of ignorance and suffering, one needs to let everything end. “Letting everything end” means to stand in the moment completely naked of attachment to any and all ideas, concepts, hopes, preferences, and experiences. Simply put, it means to stop strategizing, controlling, manipulating, and running away from yourself–and to simply be. Finally you must let everything end and be still. In letting everything end,…
Quote: Thich Nhat Hanh On Freedom And The Here And Now
“To dwell in the here and now does not mean you never think about the past, or responsibly plan for the future. The idea is simply not to allow your self to get lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future. Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
Quote: Morehei Ueshiba On The Source Of Life And Seclusion
“Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breathe out and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breathe in and bring the cosmos back inside…” ~Morehei Ueshiba