Vlog: From the concrete jungle to becoming radically wild in Puerto Rico
Hello all my radically wild souls. In this video I talk about how I went from being born and raised in the concrete jungle of Brooklyn, NY, to becoming radically wild. I have grown a deep connection to nature and in growing that deep connection, I have also grown a deep connection to myself. I also wrote a blog about this which goes deeper into the topic, which could be read here. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my youtube channel. I will be posting more videos on my radically wild thoughts, perspectives, lifestyle and adventures here in Puerto Rico. Follow me on all social media @radicallywild
Going From The Concrete Jungle To Becoming Radically Wild
Going From The Concrete Jungle To Becoming Radically Wild I went from the concrete jungle having been born and raised all my life in the city of Brooklyn NY, to becoming radically wild. I woke up to a different perspective in life, to appreciate and cherish the beauty of the world and mother nature. One of growing love, compassion and finding my inner wild child and regrowing who I am. In this post I write about my radical transformation and hope to inspire others to grow their wild roots. I have grown a deep profound connection to nature having now lived 7 years in the paradise that is Puerto Rico,…
Jumping off A Rope into A Beautiful River In Puerto Rico
Quote: John Muir On How Everything In Wild Nature Fits Into Us
” Wonderful how completely everything in wild nature fits into us, as if truly part and parent of us. The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and; tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.” ― John Muir