We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home
We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home
Here is a protest campaign I did here in the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico. As long as I am on this earth, I will stand up and be the voice of the voiceless. The thing is the earth and the different species that call it home have a voice but we don’t listen. We have our heads to busy in the sand, too busy chasing the wrong shade of green.
I find this protest to be sort of art in motion. Poetic justice. I walk around every week and as many days as I could with my various signs here In Puerto Rico (Photos can be seen here of my protest).
During one summer I walked with a plastic bag over my head and a necklace of garbage in the heat at the beaches with my sign raised high to bring awareness to the people.
I choose to be the voice of the voiceless. The message I am trying to convey here is if it’s normal for garbage to be around the necks of all the species that call this planet home and if it’s normal to see it all around the oceans and land, Then it should be normal to be seen on a person, because this is how humanity treats the world.
We don’t respect the earth and it’s inhabitants including each other. We seek to destroy everything in our path including our own selves. It’s the plague that we chose to be as humanity.
We have become mindlessly numb to the reality around us as we continue to drown in this illusion as we continue to exploit the Earth, just like how we have allowed the governments to exploit us.
We have fallen into this vicious cycle and we are not going anywhere but to our own demise. Humanity is the ugly scar that is being left on this planet as we have ravaged it. We continually poison it and neglect it and earth has become an afterthought as we have forgotten that this earth is home!
We must Stop using plastic cups and plates and bags, I wrote a blog on why we should stop using plastic and what we could do about it, which can be seen by clicking here.
It does not cost you anything to wash your own cups and plates that you use. Everyone wants convenience. But we must do our part and every little thing counts.
It’s the least we can do. Try to have a positive impact instead of a negative one and contributing to the problem. We just massively consume as we have become nothing but mindless consumers, we must cut our consumption down. The change all starts with you. Be the change!
Well enjoy the pics, more to come. Please share to get the message across. leave comments down below. Thanks
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