Finding Mr. / Ms. Right
Finding Mr. / Ms. Right Do we continue to seek the right one for us or do we settle for whatever we could find. Find the right one for us, Love, marriage, children and to live our life happily ever after. I have stopped looking for Ms. right, we often look for relationships because we don’t want to be alone so we cling on to whatever we can find hoping to fill that void of loneliness, often stressing the situation. We look in all the wrong places looking for what the heart desires only to be crushed by what we find. What we think is love is not truly love,…
Watch: Graham Hancock on psychedelics and States Of Consciousness
Graham Hancock on psychedelics and States Of Consciousness A good short video of Graham hancock on psychedelics and States Of Consciousness. In this video he brings up the hypocrisy of the government. How we have a society that dilutes themselves with alcohol and how with psychedelics we often think further, where we can see the bigger picture. Where we can see this illusion. Enjoy the video. Leave comments down below.
HOW TO UNDERSTAND AN INTROVERT. What do you picture when you think of an introvert? “Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while doing it.” – John Greene Well for the most part, if you have seen me at the beach, I am a great example of an introvert. Most people would not understand why I enjoy being alone. I am not trying to shut people out, I am just very selective of letting people in. So I tend to be very awkward among people because that is not the setting…
We are like bird shit!
We are like bird shit. Birds migrate from place to place freely. When they travel, they drop shit along the way. With that shit that is dropped, they leave behind a seed with the shit being the catalyst and the fertilizer for that seed to sprout all over the place, introducing trees and other plant life to different locations through the propagation of their seeds. It’s the cycle of life. Everything is connected. We are like bird shit. We are just specks of dust, microscopic beings and the universe has randomly dropped us off, essentially shitting us out in different random places on this beautiful planet, so that we may…
Message From Beyond The Grave (Near Death Experience)
Message from beyond the grave As I lay here on my grave, a rotting corpse, bones, a remnant of what used to be life. I write this message for those who take life for granted and for those that don’t realize how short life truly is and how little we cherish it. This past weekend, I died. In an instant my life was taken from me as I just begun to start living. Sure I was a little negligent but death lurks on every corner, with every blink of our eye, with every breath we take and for me, with the very last step we take. “Seeing death as the…
Cual Es Mi Raza y Porque la raza es irrelevante y debe ser trascendido
Cual Es Mi Raza y Porque la raza es irrelevante y debe ser trascendido traducido por Google, si hay errores por favor dejar me sabe. disponible en ingles en el link arriba! ¿Qué es una raza? A menudo me pregunto que define una raza ¿Cual es el punto? Creo que el concepto de raza se hizo para mantenernos divididos. Es como si nos acorralaran como ganado y tendemos a preocuparnos por nosotros mismos mientras seguimos pensando que nuestra supuesta raza es superior a todas las demás. Nos hemos limitado nuestra mente con esta vieja visión del mundo a medida que continuamos a heredar y transmitir esta mentalidad cerrada en…
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended What is a race? I often ask myself what the is race. what defines a race. Is it where you come from. Is it the culture that comes from that area. What is the point? I believe the concept of race was made to keep us divided. It’s like they rounded us up as cattle and we tend to only care about our own heard as we go on thinking that our supposed race is superior to all others. We have confined our minds with this old world view as we continue to inherit and pass on this closed off mindset in…
El camino que elegimos
El camino que elegimos. . En esta bella vida que vivimos estamos confundidos con la elección que cojamos . Nos quedamos con la mente y con el ingenio para tomar decisiones y estas decisiones que tomamos tienen un profundo impacto en nuestras vidas. Es el camino que tomamos en la vida, el camino que elegimos que nos llevará en un viaje , porque la vida es un viaje maravilloso envuelto por un enigma. Nos enfrentamos a las carreteras oscuros que podrían llevar nos más lejos abajo de la colina o en la ruta escénica llenos de sol. Cada paso que damos y con cada pensamiento que tomamos, enviamos ondas a…
The path we choose
The path we choose. In this beautiful one life that we live we are confounded with choice. We are left with our mind and with our wits to make decisions and these decisions we make have a profound impact in our lives. It is the road we take in life, the path we choose that take us on a journey, for life is a wonderful journey wound by an enigma. We face the dark windy roads that could lead further down hill or to the scenic route of sunshine. Every step we take and with every thought we take, we send ripples through time., changing our very fabric of being.…
The Future And Economy of Puerto Rico
The Future And Economy of Puerto Rico I am currently in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, which is a “U.S. Territory”, a commonwealth. Which means it is a self-governing unit voluntarily grouped with the US. This post will be directed to Puerto Rico as it is a prime example of the current system being employed and can also be applied to all parts of the world since it has to do with capitalism and how it affects the economy. The Future And Economy of Puerto Rico and of the world is in bad shape and in this post we will look at why, even in the US, Detroit being…