Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico Vol. 2 February 2019
I love sunsets and live for the sunsets. I love to take pictures of sunsets and share them on my Instagram account But I will posting more beautiful pictures of sunset and nature here on my website. So be sure to subscribe to my website and follow me on social media on facebook as radicallywild Beautiful sunsets of January can be found here. Every sunset is different like everyday should be different. We should strive to break away from the routine and create new ones and live each day differently! Please leave comments down below and please share!
Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico January 2019
I love sunsets and live for the sunsets. I love to take pictures of sunsets and share them on my Instagram account But I will posting more beautiful pictures of sunset and nature here on my website. So be sure to subscribe to my website and follow me on social media on facebook as radicallywild
We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home
We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home Here is a protest campaign I did here in the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico. As long as I am on this earth, I will stand up and be the voice of the voiceless. The thing is the earth and the different species that call it home have a voice but we don’t listen. We have our heads to busy in the sand, too busy chasing the wrong shade of green. I find this protest to be sort of art in motion. Poetic justice. I walk around every week and as many days as…