Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash
Many Get Offended By The Way I Use My Voice for Defending Puerto Rico From Trash
Since 2013, I have been using my voice speaking out on all the trash that is found all over this beautiful paradise that is Boriken. I am considered radical by many because I never had a filter. I speak my truths, Never sugar coating anything.
Many have felt offended by what I always say and probably why I never had much support on the island. As many see me as an outsider talking bad about the people or that I am trying to paint a bad image to the island. Which is not the case and I am not the one painting a bad image. It’s many of the people here who treat Boriken with no love or respect.

While many are offended by what I have to say. I was always offended by how many treat this magical island. Its sad that many are offended by what I have to say instead of the problem I am trying to raise awareness to. So I toned it down a notch so that I won’t offend as much.
But yesterday I had a confrontation with a family. As they left a bunch of their trash at the beach which I knew it was theirs. But when I approached them to hand them a bag, they denied it was theirs. That ignorance is what sparks me and ignites this passion to continue this mission.
That filter is coming off once again and let it offend who it wants to offend if they feel like my truth hurts. Because I am offended each and everyday I drive down these roads to see Boriken looking like a giant landfill. I am offended at going to the beach to clean it up just to find more trash the next time that I go. Offended by the ignorance of many.
I have been working hard to better my Spanish to better communicate directly to the people. Making more videos on social media. in Spanish. Although I always feel like a lost cause because many just don’t care to listen. But I will continue.

I would like others to feel what I feel. To continue to touch that nerve. My signs are made to touch that nerve for those who choose to read them. One reason why I continue to bring my signs out. Even through the adversity of what I have to go through and having PTSD from being shot in the face for defending a beach.
Truly our nerves should be touched by seeing this disrespect for Boriken, but I truly feel many don’t feel a thing. It’s normal, it has become culture for many. (not all).
Many will just continue to blame the government for not wanting to clean up after them. Just like many will blame tourists. Which by the way, all the trash is from many of the people that were born on this magical island. Because many have no clue where they live as they have taken this island for granted.
Its OK if I continue to lose followers. As I continue to do what I do in trying to educate and raise awareness. Those who want to continue supporting me, will continue to do so. Because they know my intentions and know that I am speaking for nature and boriken and truly feel the same. Those who don’t want to support me. Well that is OK as well. I can’t appease everyone. Many always tell me how I should use my voice and criticize the way I use it. But I invite those people to use their voice they deem fit. I will use mines. that is what makes us unique.
But many will criticize how I use my voice and never use their own. So if you have a problem with how I use my voice. If you agree with what I have to say but feel its to harsh. Please use your own. That is what I am trying to inspire. For others to use their voice instead of accepting the way things are.
I feel nature and this magical paradise needed a voice. So i chose to be one. But it needs more voices. At least I could say that I am using mine. I am finely tuning this voice, getting better at Spanish to continue making more videos. Although i sometimes find it pointless and a lost cause since many here just don’t care. But I will continue to try to touch those nerves and spark that change.
Grateful for all those who has followed me for a long time. grateful for those new who support what I have been doing. truly grateful. This has not been easy but having your support means the world to me and I appreciate it very much.
NOTE: I am trying to get a 360 camera to continue to use my voice my making more videos and do my beach cleanups with that 360 view to better educate people. If you would like to help I accept donations on paypal and it is also on my amazon wishlist. I also accept gift cards there to be able to help get it. Thanks again for the support and love.
Please leave any comments down below. Do you feel like I am too radical. Please let me know. Thanks