Neurons to Nirvana: Psychedelic Medicines

About the film

Neurons to Nirvana, A mind-blowing documentary about the resurgence of psychedelics as medicines

Through interviews with the world’s foremost researchers, writers, psychologists and pioneers in psychedelic psychotherapy, we explore the history of five powerful psychedelic substances (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, Ayahuasca and Cannabis) and their previously established medicinal potential.

Strictly focusing on the science and medicinal properties of these drugs. The filmmakers understand that this film touches on controversial territory but are committed in their belief in the message:

For the first time in two generations, the use of these drugs is not being presented as harmful or as self-indulgent, but as a rational and valuable addition to therapeutic practice.

Several well-respected researchers are conducting clinical trials to treat a range of afflictions: PTSD, addictions and the psychological stresses suffered by late-stage terminal cancer patients. The initial results of all these studies are remarkable. Clients of licensed therapists are using psychedelics not as escape routes or addictive crutches, but in a quest for transformation, mental health, creativity, intellectual and spiritual enhancement and insight.

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About Author

I am the enigmatic free spirited entity known as Jivan, An Earth warrior from Gaia who has grown a connection to our beautiful home that is our mother Gaia and who has grown a deep rooted connection to nature. For in nature, it is when you can truly find your self. For we are nature.

I am on a voyage and journey not only of our beautiful mother, but also of the mind. I believe we should explore the world like how we should explore the mind and unlock all of its hidden treasures to uncover all the beauty that lies dormant.

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