Threatened For Defending The Beach After A Rave At The Beach In Manati, Puerto RIco
This past labor day weekend, from Saturday to Monday morning, there was a beach rave at this beautiful beach in Manati, Puerto Rico “ghetto beach blast party”.
Here you will find a video I made of the aftermath of this , but please continue reading on further.
This rave from this particular coordinator takes place every so often, about a few take place every year or so.
I went the day after the event to the beach where I made a video a month prior talking about how dirty this particular beach gets in a vlog entitled, In puerto rico the people trash the beaches.
To my surprise, I found the beach even worse than before, if that is even possible as you will see throughout the images.
Many people from all over the island flock to these raves to party and every time the people leave their trash all scattered about. Cigarette butts all over the place, straws, plastic bottles, bottle caps , broken chairs, cups just thrown every which way.
I found trash near the shore, where eventually the waves would come in and take the plastic bottles out into the ocean.
This seems to be the mentality of the majority of the people here in Puerto Rico.
Seems like many of the people just want to party, get wasted and have a great time. But not many want to contribute in changing things the way they are. They just want to drown themselves in fun.
That is all well and good. But there has to be accountability and responsibility.
If you enjoyed the event and had a great time, why not take care of it so more events could take place. Instead of having others clean up after you.
Reaching out to the coordinator of the event
I reached out as a courtesy to the coordinator of the event, His name is Jose Melendez, DJ ghetto, aka DJ no-tech
We will just call him Mr. No name Dj, Mr. No Name DJ quickly got an attitude and told me that he was tired from 2 days of partying and that he will rest for the next 48 hours before actually cleaning.
He even threatened and insulted me with that Mr. Macho mentality that most of the men here are thought to have, that me and him would have problems, if I would go on to publish this because it will mess with the revenue he generates from these beach raves.
If any harm is to come to me, you all know who is responsible, If he continues to threaten and insulting me, I will release his name, but I am sure most people are going to know who it is.
He claims that he cleans up after all of his events, but I know for sure that he does not pick up after all the cigarette butts that the mass of people that come to these events leave behind, which go on to contaminate the beach.
He offered me to come to make a difference by helping clean after the event, which I refuse to clean up after those people in an event he created and is responsible for.
The people he invited generated that garbage and so it is the responsibility of the people and him to maintain the beach cleaner than you found it.
It’s like if I invite 30 of my friends and we trash the beach and they leave.. I go ask someone else to come help me come clean up after them.
Now if it was a beach or river cleanup effort that people came together to maintain it clean, then I would help out for that.
For those that don’t know what I do, I carry signs across many beaches and rivers here in Puerto Rico to raise awareness to the littering people do and I also clean the beaches and rivers as I go, wherever I may go. You can read why I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers here as I clean the garbage people leave behind unconsciously while most of the people on the island just choose to ignore it.
That past weekend, just like every weekend before that, I cleaned various beaches.

I do enough cleaning everyday I go to the beach or rivers and I do it alone, . Which by the way he claims I don’t do anything and that I am lazy. which again he does not understand the work that I do and have been doing for the past 5 years as I use these signs to educate the people.
He had so many hands that come to an event like this, all of whom could contribute to helping out. Which I was also trying to get him to understand, But all they can do is contribute to the problem.
I did not see any trash bags no where as you can see by the photos.
I was respectful and I gave him advice, such as tying bags all over the place or even charging 5 dollars extra, where the people can get reimbursed their money if they bring back their trash.
Even handing bags out to the people. But all he can do is insult and threaten me with violence.
The fact of the matter is he should maybe take some of that money he pockets and have a cleaning crew cleaning after the irresponsible people who go to these events who want other people to wipe their ass wherever they go on this beautiful island.
That mentality that is shared throughout that the government or someone should come clean up after them. This beautiful beach should never have gotten to this point.
But all he can do is continue to insult and threaten me.
And I quote from a message on facebook that he sent me and I will upload his voice messages too. In context to an image I posted to his account.
“Take that shit out and do not even think about putting some shit in there, you’re going to look for a beating and for no reason“
What he neglects to see is that I have many reasons and they are all in these pictures and 2 days later, in the ocean!
Two Days later..
So two whole days later, he makes a post celebrating that he finally cleaned the beach, well the people he paid to clean the beach as he told me he pays the drug addicts from his neighborhood to come clean… TWO DAYS LATER!
He sends me a nonsensical message calling me lazy and that I don’t do anything and that I just like to talk shit and that my house is filled with garbage. Which can be heard here in Spanish. Insults that don’t mean anything to me. But he wanted to boast that he cleaned the beach in the audio and that I speak a lot of shit and that he has shut my mouth because he cleaned it. But the joke is on him, clearly the one who talks shit is him as we will soon find out.
Could you imagine you and your friends at the beach and leaving your trash thrown all over and saying it’s OK, we come back 2 days later to clean it up.
There is just no excuse to leave the garbage laying all over this beautiful beach the day after the party because a family might want to come and enjoy this beach not all that garbage.
Imagine tourist who find this beautiful beach only for their voyage to be ruined by seeing all this trash.
Common sense will also tell you that the wind might also blow most of that trash into the ocean.
So good job cleaning two days later after the wind blew most of it into the ocean. So it seemed.. Further reading, you will find out what he really did.
He then goes on to leave me a message in Spanish calling me a cocksucker and ends it with
“who the hell do you think you are to tell him what to do?…”
I speak for those that don’t speak.
I tell you who I am..
I am a person who is not native to this island and in my short time being on this island, I have done more for it than most of the people including someone who clearly has no respect for people.
I have given my sweat and tears to defending the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico day in and day out for the past 5 years as I have dedicated a piece of myself to go from beach to beach picking up what I can and inspiring people to be the change along the way.
Who am I? Someone who gives a damn about this beautiful paradise enough to stand up for what I believe in and I am a person who will not be silenced by threats.
I told him , he can try to beat me down, he can try to murder me for simply speaking out about the garbage. But my voice will continue on. That party is his passion, doing what I do is my passion. I worry about an island that I am not a native to. It’s important for me to preserve this paradise.
Lastly, Who am i?
I am the man who is going to expose him.
Because I come to the beach on Thursday, the day after his cleanup to see how clean he left the beach. after he post a video on facebook patting himself in the back, saying that he is not an irresponsible person and look at how beautifully clean he left the beach
I come to find that all he did was clean where it was visible and dumped all the garbage in the bushes and along the rocks where that garbage will eventually end up in the ocean over time.
This is the method of cleaning up for some of the people on this island as garbage has become second nature to most of the people. They would hide their trash in the beauty of nature.

He stated that my house was full of trash and that I was a pig. But this is how he treats our home, mother earth.
Mr. No name DJ told me If I post this, we are going to have problems, but by the leaving the beach the way he did for his siesta and having garbage going into the ocean and leaving the beach the way he did, now he is the one who has a problem with me. Because I won’t sit idly by and allow the beach and the ocean to be turned into a landfill.
Because I will defend the beaches, I will defend the rivers. I will defend this beautiful paradise. I will be damned if I will be silenced like many of the people here who stay silent about the things that matter.
In writing this post, I want to raise awareness as I always do and hope that the people going to these events, to the beaches , or driving down the road which most people here just toss their garbage out of the windows. I want them to realize their destruction.
I never had no issues with Mr. No name or his events as I made it clear to him other than the garbage left behind even after he kept threatening me and insulting me. But after seeing how things developed , now everyone should be having an issue with him and his events.
Here he says messing with him, I am looking for problems that I am going to have to move. I reply back, I am not moving anywhere. I am staying right here and remind him that I have no problem with his event or him, just want to reach the people who keep leaving their trash everywhere and tell him that I won’t be cleaning up when I do enough of that already.
I do think we need more events like this, but instead of coming together just to party I think we could come together for a great cause like helping to clean out the beaches or to grow food to help out our communities.
Clean up the beach, have it nice and clean and then party and maintain it that way because for that day or night, it becomes everyone’s home and that is how everyone should be seeing this beautiful island where ever they may go.
Not continue destroying it with garbage. living among the garbage, partying among the garbage. We are the change if we want to become that change. Instead of conforming to the way things are.
Closing argument
In closing, Throughout his insults and threats. I was cool, calm and collected and stopped responding and stopped trying to reason with him. Where If it was the old Brooklyn version of myself, I would not have tolerated so much. He can use all the bad words and insults he wants, it does not affect me.while I use my words to inspire.
My last message to him was on Tuesday
Even after his insults and threats, I start off with good day, You had all the hands there to help you, I know you have many people in your crew to help. I think the beach should have been cleaned immediately. Not a day or 2 days after. If you would have done the rave at the other more crowded beach, mar chiquita. The families who would have gone there would also have spoken out. I want to know why were there no bags? I leave you that advice, put bags tied to the trees. have a crew come clean every few hours. RESTING is not an excuse to leave the beach filled with garbage, including leaving it next to the shore for the waves to take it! It is all good if you don’t like what I have to say. I spoke to you like a man, not to your back and without insults. We are old enough for that stuff!
I go on further..
That is what I want, to educate the youth of this island. You have many followers, use your voice to inspire change that this island needs. I wish you the best in your events. Just want you to know I don’t say these things to bring you down or being a hater. Take that out of your mind, I speak to you like a brother, without bad intentions. You say you were in an ecological group, you should know what I am trying to do. Five years doing this without stopping every week cleaning and walking with signs with out stopping. This is not easy for me. I stopped being a DJ for something much greater than all of us. To be the change the world needs. That might not be significant to you, but for me I live to inspire and to be the difference. But anyway read what I will write on my blog in 2 days, if you want to share to wake up the people (and yourself apparently, ) then great, if not, it’s all good. I gave you the courtesy and the respect of notifying you before I posted this. But I am ending the discussion right here because if you don’t understand me and realize what I am trying to accomplish, there is just no point to continue. But I hope you will realize it one day. Have a beautiful day brother…
Here is the last insult in response to my last message which he sent that as a screenshot to me. he sent me on Thursday 9/6/2018 , mind you that I have not responded to him since Tuesday, but he just keeps on being a blabber mouth.
All of this shit you can stick it up your ass, you lazy piece of shit.
you do nothing for the town, nature, not even your ownself, you are nothing but a parasite to society.
You are a poser, get a job and stop messing with others.
Who the heck do I think I am? You are the most laziest and all you can do is talk shit like if you was the senator or someone from natural resources, you don’t even study. cocksucker…
He states to get a job! This has become my job, to defend the beaches and rivers. to speak out against any injustices to nature. I don’t need to get paid for me to call it my job because I do it all from the heart.
Why do I get the feeling that is only talking about himself here. He acts like he knows me, when he does not know one thing about me. But I think looking at this blog and the video of the fraud that he is, he will know who I am.
I find it sad that people will threaten harm to another person for speaking out against what they believe in. I only have good intentions.
I am a humble peaceful man who does not bother anyone unless they are doing harm to the earth or it’s species and trying to do good in this world because there is just too many plagues and not enough cures.
I choose to be the cure. I choose to be a better person everyday and I strive to be. I don’t want future generations to live in a world where people threaten you just for being you, just for trying to better the world.
If I have to be a martyr for standing up for what I believe in, then so be it.
We are often afraid to speak out on any injustices we face in this world because of fear and intimidation and coercion .
But you either stand up and fight for what you believe in or continue to live in silence. I choose to use my voice and I encourage others to stand up and use their voice. We are the change, lets start being it.
Get involved and take action. be that change this world desperately needs. Fight for something, believe in something. Life is not just about partying, its about making a difference because if you are not living to make a difference then what are we living for.
I won’t be another statistic who just lives just to live. I want to leave positive footprints behind and know that I can change things for better.
Mr. No name has no clue what I do for this island, for our world. His opinion of me does not really matter. He is not worth my time. He can curse at me and insult me all he wants. He can threaten me all he likes.
The fact remains that he is ultimately responsible for the people he invites and sure it appeared as he cleaned up 2 days later when in reality he just hid the garbage and I think most would agree is irresponsible and he has to be held accountable.
Who knows if he would have cleaned up if I did not say anything in the first place because he would just have left it out in the open as it was.
So please I urge you to change your ways, this beautiful world is your house. Treat it with respect and love. Treat it as you treat yourself, even better than how you treat yourself because I know that many only live with filling their body and mentality with garbage. Wake up my people. That we continue living in this way, we will eventually be buried in our own trash.
Here is another recording where he states if I have a problem with him, I will have a tremendous headache.
All of the audio messages he sent me..
L. Betancourt
I travelled to Puerto Rico two weeks ago and I was ashamed to see my island, my rivers and my beaches in such disarray. Plastic strewn everywhere! Puerto Ricans do not respect Puerto Rico! Basta ya!
Jivan Wild
Yes. it is very sad how the people have decided to treat this beautiful paradise. Puerto Rico has become a landfill and many of the people just have no respect or true appreciation for this beautiful island. Thanks for the comment.