Reasons Why You Should Use The Turn Signal
Reasons Why You Should Use The Turn Signal Turn signals. Do you know how to use the turn signal? Do you know it’s function. Turn signals, it is the lights on the outside of your car that blinks either on the left or the right side and tells others where the heck you are going. It does not turn on with your mind, but with the up and down motion of a lever located on the right side of the steering wheel. Now why do I bring up the use of the turn signal? Well, I am currently in the island of Puerto Rico, where the majority of the people…
Anarchism: What Anarchy Means To Me
What Anarchy means to me Anarchy! What do you define anarchy as being? Was your definition of anarchy defined by the media. I will tell you what Anarchy means to me. Now when I say anarchy, I refer to anarchism. Now I can’t speak for all anarchist as we all have a different schools of thoughts, but what anarchy means to me is not some loose word that is thrown around. “People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.” ― Emma Goldman I am not an anarchist because it’s some cool trend to follow or because I want to belong…
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended
Why Race Is Irrelevant And Should Be Transcended What is a race? I often ask myself what the is race. what defines a race. Is it where you come from. Is it the culture that comes from that area. What is the point? I believe the concept of race was made to keep us divided. It’s like they rounded us up as cattle and we tend to only care about our own heard as we go on thinking that our supposed race is superior to all others. We have confined our minds with this old world view as we continue to inherit and pass on this closed off mindset in…