MUST WATCH: Century Of The Self (Documentary)
Century Of The Self A 4 part , but great documentary, the century of the self illustrating the way we are manipulated into becoming a world of consumers. We have allowed our subconscious to continually be controlled. We are told what to buy, how to dress, and ultimately how to live our lives. Do you ever stop to ask yourself if your thoughts are your own or do you wear what you wear because it was your choice or do you wear what you wear because it was subliminally sold to you to wear. Are your choices your own and I think that is something we have to be deeply…
WATCH: The Story Of Your Enslavement
Here is a short video by Stefan Molyneux talking about our enslavement. I for one agree with his assessment and I believe many others do as well in certain aspects. People do know that they are hopelessly enslaved but many just continue to allow themselves to be herded like the cattle that we have become. While many others refuse to see the chains that bind them. We think we are free, but are we really? They tell us what to think, how to feel and we are easily manipulated into conforming and obeying into this mundane bullshit illusion that we live in. We are controlled into a way of being,…
Documental: Terrícolas (¿Podrías justificar comer carne después de ver esto?)
Advertencia: imágenes extrema. Earthlings es un documental acerca de cómo los humanos utilizan actualmente a los animales de otras especies. Para ello se utilizan cámaras ocultas e imágenes del día a día de las prácticas de algunas de las más grandes industrias del mundo que se enriquecen con los animales. El documental está dividido en cinco partes: mascotas, alimentación, pieles, entretenimiento y experimentación. La finalidad del documental es la denuncia de las actividades especistas a las cuales la mayoría de la población está habituada y cuyo tipo de discriminación se ha normalizado hasta la fecha. “Dado que todos habitamos La Tierra, todos somos considerados terrícolas. No hay sexismo, racismo ni…
WATCH: First Earth (Earthen Homes Documentary)
I wrote a blog on my vision on a sustainable future which can be seen by clicking here. I think we need to change the way we look at shelter as all we see is the big house with the white picket fences and the giant swimming pool. Living in debt all our lives, paying off our giant homes. Using materials that leave a negative impact on our environment. So many viable options, as I wrote in that post I mentioned before. From cob to hempcrete. So many options, but we limit those options by the limits of our creativity. Here is a documentary on earthen homes which I enjoyed…
Watch Animated short film: Man & The Relationship With The Natural World
Watch: Man The Relationship With The Natural World (Animated film) Here is an animated short by Steve Cutts. He has many wonderfully done animated shorts on his website which you can visit by clicking here. In this video entitled Man , we look at man’s relationship with the natural world and how fickle have we made this world. We seek to be the dominate species and we seek to exploit everything around us. Every other species is just a commodity, just a casualty of our own ignorance. We go on thinking that the world revolves around MAN. Again, thinking that we are on top of the pecking order and we…
Watch: Anarchism in America 1983 documentary
Anarchism in America This film was released in 1983, A colorful and provocative survey of anarchism in America, the film attempts to dispel popular misconceptions and trace the historical development of the movement. The film explores the movement both as a native American philosophy stemming from 19th century American traditions of individualism, and as a foreign ideology brought to America by immigrants. The film features rare archival footage and interviews with significant personalities in anarchist history including Murray Boochkin and Karl Hess, and also live performance footage of the Dead Kennedys. Produced by pacific films I rather enjoyed this documentary. Especially the clips of Emma Goldman and the interviews. It’s…
Video: Protestando En Las Playas De Puerto RIco Por El Ambiente
Protesta del medio ambiente en Puerto RIco Para aquellos que nunca había visto lo que hago en la mayoría, todos los días, aquí hay un video. En este video yo salí de 3 otros playas antes de ir a esta playa, Pero me esfuerzo para continuar para muchas playas como puedo para plantar esas semillas en aquellas personas que han olvidado que esta hermosa tierra es nuestro hogar. Para aquellos desconectados de la realidad que nos rodea. T engo muchas letreros y aveces me canso, pero estoy decidido a hacer la mayor cantidad de abolladuras en este mundo que haría los impactos. Esto se ha convertido en mi trabajo y mi…
Must Watch Trippy Video: Big Bang Big Boom (Graffiti in motion)
Big Bang Big Boom (Graffiti in motion) Here is this awesome video by street artist named blu, big bang big boom. Get stoned and enjoy his marvel. The story of the big bang starting life which leads to different creatures at different times ultimately leading to the creation of man; except the whole story is played out on sidewalks, buildings, beaches, pipes and all across a city. This video comes from Italian street artist, Blu, best known for his large-scale graffiti murals and accomplished animations. His murals and animations are often stories without words, executed with a clean line and a rare imagination. Enjoy some cannabis or shrooms and enjoy…
Video: Joe Rogan on the Society Trap: Do What You love. Stop Being Part Of The Machine.
Video: Joe Rogan: Do what you love. Stop being part of the machine. “We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” he says. “So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s the reward? Go home and get a big TV.” Everything said in this video by Joe Rogan, is something I, and I would assume most people are conveying. Just like Alan watts would say, do what you love and forget the money. But we are a cog in this machine. We end…
WATCH: Human Resources Social Engineering In The 20th Century (Documentary)
Human resources social engineering in the 20th century Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century explores the rise of mechanistic philosophy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarchical systems. Topics covered include behaviorism, scientific management, work-place democracy, schooling, frustration-aggression hypothesis and human experimentation “Essentially,” says Scott, “this film is about the rise of mechanistic philosphy and the exploitation of human beings under modern hierarhical systems.” The film includes original interviews with: “Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Rebecca Lemov (“World as Laboratory”), Christopher Simpson (“The Science of Coercion”), George Ritzer (“The McDonaldization of Society”), Morris Berman (“The Reenchantment of the World”), John Taylor Gatto (“Dumbing us Down”), Alfie Kohn…