
Reasons Why You Should Use The Turn Signal

Reasons Why You Should Use The Turn Signal

Turn signals. Do you know how to use the turn signal? Do you know it’s function. Turn signals, it is the lights on the outside of your car that blinks either on the left or the right side and tells others where the heck you are going. It does not turn on with your mind, but with the up and down motion of a lever located on the right side of the steering wheel.

Now why do I bring up the use of the turn signal? Well, I am currently in the island of Puerto Rico, where the majority of the people don’t use turn signals and yes I know this applies mostly everywhere in the world. It is just stop where ever you want all of a sudden and turn.

What annoys me the most is when you are behind that person and they just suddenly stop and now you have to hit your break and you don’t have a clue what their intentions are or waiting in an intersection for the incoming cars to pass, before making your way into the intersection, only to see the incoming car turn into the street, thus you sitting there waiting when you could have made your own turn. Which is very inconsiderate. But we live in a world that it is all about me, me, me and screw everyone else.

Consideration and respect for one another just continues to dwindle down and then we call ourselves “civilized”. I think not using it is also just plain laziness as well.

Like how difficult is it really to pull that lever up and down. Is your arm really that heavy to lift? Are your fingers numb to flick the lever?  Do you know where that lever is and if you don’t know where that lever is, then you shouldn’t be driving that car.


One of the main problems is that the people are followers. They follow the example of others. As it is with the garbage. One person throws garbage at the beach or on the sides of the roads, another person comes along and figures, “hey, if they did that, i shall too”.

The same thing applies with turn signals. One person does not use it and the next person behind him figures why should they use it. Then we go on with these bad habits and the cycle just continues.

I always use the turn signal and often at times when I notice the person behind me not using it, I would switch lanes on front of him using my signal and back and forth I go.

Eventually that person who has never used their signal, would actually turn it on and use it.  Their bad habit was broken temporarily, but then they would go back to what they have known.

It’s like throwing cigarette butts all around the place.  If they are aware of the littering and want to change their bad habit of throwing them all over the place, chances are they will forget often and throw them around. Bad habits are hard to break, especially when you make no effort or care to make an effort in the first place.


I  considered myself an Anarchist and contrary to what some might believe or whatever misconception a person holds on what an anarchist is, whereas people think it is disorder and chaos. I will give you my anarchistic view on how I view turn signals.

You see turn signals are important to use in my anarchistic view because turn signals,  just like anarchism, it’s about organizing. It’s about consideration for others. Using my turn signal, I am telling others of my intentions, so that we can share and coexist in the same road safely.

There are so many car accidents here and I believe it’s in due part because of the lack of communication in which a turn signal provides.

In an anarchistic world, respect, organization and communication are key, along with cooperation with each other and consideration for one another. Not chaos. In a way the drivers that are not using their signals represents how the government is. Disorder.


Another thing most people misconstrue Anarchism as being a society with no rules. No laws, which is true to a certain extent. We follow natural laws and live by morals and ethics.  The basics being not to do harm to anyone and treat people like you want to be treated.

I don’t use a turn signal because it’s “the law”, Again I use it to convey my intentions to others, so that the person behind me could either slow down or in turn use his signal so that he could turn on to the next lane and go about his day.

Communication is a beautiful thing and it is something that is sorely missing as we expect and depend on the government communicating everything for us and the reason being why we live in this red light, green light society with that caged domesticated mentality.

turn signa

Going back to those bad habits.I believe we have to break away from bad habits and strive to better ourselves to better the world around us and so that we can coexist together in harmony and peace. Instead of following others bad example we need to lead with good examples.

Such as when I pick up litter from the shores of the beach, when others choose to ignore it. If someone sees that, maybe it would change their ignorance to the litter or at least that is what I am hoping for.

There is not a day that goes by when I don’t use my signal. I use it as a force of habit everywhere I go, even if there are no cars around me. It’s about staying with that tendency.

Make it a force of habit, change your perspective on how you view not only the turn signal but other aspects in the way we see the world and each other.

I was once told that they don’t use the turn signal because the drivers on the next lane do not allow them onto their lanes as the other driver would speed closer to you upon seeing your signal lights and I think that point of view needs to change because that is just an excuse.

We could either choose to to be the change or indulge in stupidity.  We can either lead by example or we can continue to follow the line into obscurity.

Now you might think not using your turn signal as a big thing. But I view this world through anarchistic eyes. I see the possibilities of change within us. I see the possibilities of a new world.

But that change has to come from us from the very little things such as using a turn signal. It has to come from us to see that we can coexist peacefully and harmony if we start to bloom consideration, respect, organization and cooperation and with that blooms freedom.

I hope you enjoyed this analogy on the use of the turn signal and anarchism and enjoyed this post in general.

Do you use the turn signal, why / why not?

Please leave any comments below as to why you don’t or do use the turn signal or of what you thought of what I wrote.

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