VIDEO: Agriculture In Puerto Rico in the 1940’s (Democracy at Work USDA)
Here is a video from the 1940’s entitled Democracy at Work in Rural Puerto Rico about agriculture in Puerto Rico, This 40s film, made by the U.S. Department of Agricultures Extension Service, chronicles the services the Extension Service provides to rural Puerto Rican families, including training in better farming methods, help with starting home-based businesses, and starting 4-H clubs for the kids.
According to an editorial review on Amazon,
“Democracy at work in Rural Puerto Rico, is a propaganda piece to teach the world what democracy offers for places like Puerto Rico and how much they and the United States have gained from the alliance. When it is not reminding the audience how wondrous democracy can be, the film shows some compelling statistics and customs of Puerto Rico, including a traditional country dance complete with music and smiling Puerto Ricans. Made when tensions were reaching a boiling point with Europe in the 1940s, the narrator also claims Puerto Rico has strategic importance in fending off enemies. This is an informative, albeit slanted, look into the culture and customs of Puerto Rico.”
It’s a flash from the past and a look back at how agriculture was a big part of Puerto Rico, where everyone grew food, where as now they are dependent on imported foods and dependent on food stamps and welfare.
Massive amounts of rich land goes unused as the people have forgotten about the foundation this island was built upon. Before they had their farmers market, now those are replace with mass amounts of fast food joints as the people forgot about real food.
I truly believe the richness is in the land, but like then, people would prefer for an outside company to buy off all the land, in order for them to work for a pittance for that company. Just like the sugar cane industry that presided here during those times.
I mention on another one of my blog post that cannabis hemp could be the new sugarcane, but again people have to regain control of the land and rebuild the foundations. Stop waiting on governments and corporations to lay the foundation out for you. The power is in your hands.
The people of this island have to start to grow food and the people need to start working together as they did back then. Start producing again to regain their own dependence and it all starts with agriculture.
Back then these life skills were passed down from generation to generation. Now nothing much is being passed down but the skill to be dependent on governments and corporations.
Instead of investing in Iphones, maybe the people should be investing in gardening tools. I made a challenge which could be found here entitled donate land in exchange for food. I stated that there were many people, especially those who study agriculture, who wants to grow with no land and people with lots of land but not growing.
I think we must share the land so that we could share the food. Time to stop being dependent on corporations and governments and start depending on each other. In solidarity. UNITY!
Here is another video from 1950′s and a blog where I compare the 50’s to now and ask the question what has happened.
What do you think of the current state of Puerto Rico and it’ agriculture?
Leave comments down below, I would like to hear from you. Peace, love, unity, FREEDOM