How We Are Just Like Rotten Fruits
How We Are Just Like Rotten Fruits
A fruit has fallen off the tree and now lays on the ground. It sits and waits there for someone to come and enjoy it’s succulent nectar. Days go by and it just lays there, exposed to the elements. Everyday that goes by, it wilts further and further as the insects find it’s way inside.
It wrinkles up and rots till its no more until the the only thing that remains are its seeds. As the seeds lay on the soil awaiting rain so that it may sprout some new life and go on living as another tree.
We are rotten fruits. With everyday that goes by we wilt further and further. We lay waiting to enjoy the nectar of life, but we just continue to sit there, every year that passes more, another wrinkle. Our insides being devoured by doing things we hate to go on living. It gets devoured by the stress that our environment has created in what has become our superficial world. It gets devoured by negativity, by hate, envy and by our conditioned minds.
We rot from our core, from the inside out. Carrying all this negativity in our lives until the day we lay in our death beds rotting for, awaiting the last few days when we become just bones. As life went by in an instant. All the hate, envy, negativity were all for naught.
For some of us we would have planted our seeds. We would have dropped those seeds during our rotted life, but do we continue to enjoy those seeds that we planted or do we allow them to fall in the same trap that has made us a wilted rotted mess. Do we allow this cycle to breed and fester in our seeds or do we continue to let them rot as you did and perhaps maybe they can figure out how to enjoy the nectar that is life.
We become bones, life would be no more. There is no second chances, no coming back from what you have known as your life. All the hate inside us, all these learned traits that have made us regress as a being. Doing things we hate just to go on with this perceived existence. Just putting all our time into that and not enjoying the nectar of life or enjoy the nectar that has become of your seeds life, as they now spend more time away from you.
When every moment should be spent cherishing life with them during their childhood. Teaching them love, instead of hate. teaching them respect. Instead we allow the schools and the TV to teach them everything, which festers and breeds the negativity and the conditioned mind.
We would become those bones and what kind of impact would you have left in this world, other then the continual division of us all. The continual hatred for one another. The continual negativity would be what we would have left in this world. All the money we amassed really would not mean squat.
Money has become a plastic bag suffocating our lives. We stay confined in that bag rotting away. We go on with this thought that we would have the money to start enjoying our lives when we are older. But we don’t realize that we could rot in an instant.
There is no tomorrow, but today for tomorrow may never come. The next microsecond could be our very last. We go on with this thought that we will last forever. That money has blinded us from the world around us. All we are concerned about is making more of it, so that we can somehow better ourselves and better the lives of our seeds. So we can be happier from the misery that we have created.
We go on with a false happiness when deep down we are miserable of what life has become. All that money would not bring time back. Time missed out with your seeds, time missed out doing something you love, because you were too busy doing something you hate.
Many would say well this is life. What can you do. You need money to live and that is where we go wrong. We have accepted this cycle, this way of life. The government has become one of those insects eating our insides as they have limited our true potential to go beyond. We are the most responsible for limiting our minds true potential. To think of ways of bettering not only ourselves but this world, so that we may all bloom together.
It’s only when we unify, only when we allow love back into our hearts, only then can we progress together in this world. I don’t have the answers to everything, as i always say, the answers are locked up deep inside your heads. Each of us holds the key, but we gave those keys to the government and said here you tell us how we should go on living and have accepted this way of life.
So now we are rotted fruits, one bad apple spoiling another as we spoil this beautiful world that we should all call home. Life should not be a rotted journey through time. It should be a beautiful manifestation. We should not limit ourselves and the world around us, we should embrace it and expand our minds to be as infinite as the universe. Embrace our lives and each other. The changes start inside all of you. Starts by changing your perception. The day we finally rot away, we should leave a positive impact in this world.
Will you remain a rotted fruit or would strive to change it. The truth of the matter is, we will all rot in the end, but how we rot is up to you. Do you rot by the negativity that weighs us down or do we rot by the positive lives that we have lived.
We only have that one life in this fruit that is our body. Make it count. Live life, do things you love. As Alan Watts once said, “you do that and forget the money”. I know in this world we can’t get far without this money, but again we have to find ways to better our lives and that’s what we should be striving for. For a better world, for a better tomorrow. That’s the impact that i want to leave behind, as i fight for a better tomorrow. To leave a blueprint for the seeds that blossom to follow and so that they can evolve that blueprint further, instead of the same perpetual cycle.
Feel free to leave your comments down below on what you think of this blog.
Do you think we are rotted fruits?
Do you think we live in this negativity. Do you think this world can’t ever change. Do you think money is our life blood or the plastic bag. Thanks for reading. Peace and love!
One Comment
love this- “Do you rot by the negativity that weighs us down or do we rot by the positive lives that we have lived.”