Video: Joe Rogan on the Society Trap: Do What You love. Stop Being Part Of The Machine.

Video: Joe Rogan: Do what you love. Stop being part of the machine.

“We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” he says. “So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s the reward? Go home and get a big TV.”

Everything said in this video by Joe Rogan, is something I, and I would assume most people are conveying. Just like Alan watts would say, do what you love and forget the money. But we are a cog in this machine. We end up doing things we hate, walking around with signs on our backs in 90 degree weather, handing out papers and I ask is this is your purpose on this world.

Many will say well get yourself a proper education and you can do what you love. But that’s a load of bs. Many people go into school thinking they know what they want and end up stuck in doing something they dread. Maybe what they thought they wanted to do was just something sold to them by their parents and friends. But doing something we love should come naturally.

Money should not be the reason we go out and do something. We are living in this world just to exist, just to live in artificial mediocrity. Many would say we can’t all do what we love. We continue to have this pessimistic view and we just continue to narrow our horizons to see past everything. We just accept everything for how they are because we have become numb to it all.

I think we can all do what we love. But it starts with changing our perception of things. How we view the world.

Feel free to leave comments below. What do work and society mean to you? Do you agree with Rogan’s and my own assessment. Let me know your thoughts.

Why cannabis should be normal

Why cannabis should be normal

Cannabis, here we have this beneficial plant that we turned into a taboo when cannabis should be normal to smoke and to do as you please with. People look at it as this forbidden fruit. Mystify it and stay ignorant to it.  People stay hidden in the shadows smoking that sweet, sweet ganja, hidden from that public eye, afraid of the perception of others. “Oh my! What will they think of me”. Afraid to be perceived as being villainous, perceived to be nothing but a low life criminal.


When we should not give a fuck about the opinions of others. Be free as cannabis should and will be. The people need to change their perception about this plant.  I think everyone should smoke at least once just to see if it changes your perception not only of the plant, but your perception about everything else.

Life is all about perception. We should look through all the windows of perception. See things differently instead of in this narrow window. Opening ourselves up to new things. But as I always say people need to educate themselves. Know the differences between sativa and indica. Go out to a peaceful and relaxing place and be around awesome people and enjoy the ride that is your mind.

“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”
― Carl Sagan

One important thing is to make sure your mind is ready and open, let that positivity in. Many people tell me they smoked once and some might have had a bad trip and others didn’t like the feeling. But as I always point out, chances are they had an indica and wanted to feel energetic and got that body down high.

But I tell you now, after you smoke chances are you will think people going to prison for this is damn bullshit. We cannabis users are not a threat to no one, if anything it makes people unite and unity in this world is something we are in dire need of. Another reason people remain hidden, it’s not so much about being afraid of what others think. But afraid of persecution. Afraid of being caught and being thrown in a cage. Since they use fear to keep us in line. Fear if imprisonment from the oppression of unjust governments.


If I go to prison for smoking cannabis, do you think we deserve that. Oh some might say yes, because you did not obey this unjust bullshit law. If a law is unjust, we should break it.  When will the people say enough. What if a plant started growing in your yard and you were unaware and they found it and threw your ass in prison for more than 5 years. Do you think that shit is justified or are you going sit on your knees and say oh sorry, I did not know it was there or hey I follow the laws and I had no clue that evil plant grew there. But it’s the law so I guess it is OK for you to throw me in a cage. That will teach us a lesson.

Oh, you smoke cannabis, you are a threat to society and yourself so we  going to lock you in a cage with hardened criminals so that you can learn a lesson and be a modern-day slave in our wonderful crowded for profit prisons in this industrial prison complex so that one day you too can in turn be a criminal since that is what the government creates with its laws and statutes. No my people, cannabis should be normal growing in our own backyards just like it is normal for any herb plant or vegetable or fruit plants. Cannabis should be normal as the invasive weeds that sprout about everywhere as cannabis once did as their seeds were enjoyed by the birds and other wildlife.

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?”
― Bill Hicks

NO NO NO, cannabis should be normal as drinking a cup of coffee or drinking a cup of soda. Simple, we should be able to smoke wherever the fuck we want. I should be able to go to my neighbor and smoke cannabis right in the front yard just like any person drinking their morning coffee.

I should smoke freely in the beach without it being seen as a taboo while you hold a beer of can or soda or cigarette in your hand. Shit, to go even further. Cannabis should be normal as those Doritos in your hand or the chemically processed GMO-laden fast foods that most people just love and crave. What I or you put in our bodies don’t matter, it’s our personal choice and that personal choice is what freedom stands for. If you want to poison your body with whatever it may be, that is your choice.

But I will be damned if I have others pick my poison for me. I pick and choose what I decide what is in the best interest to put in my body, not anyone else and certainly not the damn government as we think that they are the supreme choice and authority to tell us what we can consume and how we live our lives.

Enough of the hypocritical nonsense. It only bothers people because they believe everything that the governments and the doctors negatively said about cannabis. Oh look he is that way because he is a cannabis smoker.  Oh my careful, he is dangerous and might hit us over the head with a frying pan.

Oh damn, pot smokers are an unproductive member to society. We are just wasting our lives smoking cannabis.  I smoke when I go to the beach, that lifts me up to protest and clean the beaches. Yes I smoke sativa as it keeps me going. It’s my energy. It’s my version of coffee. I take a toke and proceed cleaning around the beaches and no I don’t pick up garbage laughing my ass off or whatever other misconceptions people have of this plant.

“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.

[DEA Administrative Law Judge – 1988]”
― Francis Young

Cannabis should be normal as drinking a beer after a long stressful day of work. Cannabis should be normal as smoking a cigarette as many people smoke upwards of to 10 a day and the sad part is that it’s legal as many cigarette smokers litter the world with their poison. But that is the hypocrisy of the government and of course one of the main reasons why cannabis is illegal in the first place.

All you need is some giant corporations with lots of money that will lobby (pay off) to these bullshit corrupt politicians and you will get whatever bullshit laws and statutes passed.  Ultimately this bullshit war on “drugs” is all about making a profit for corporations and for the corporation that is the government who are in bed with all those corporations.

Racism is embedded into it as history has shown from the beginning of its inception in becoming illegal to present day as “minorities” are being locked up on a daily basis for their pennies on the dollar modern slavery in those for profit prisons.  No folks, cannabis is not illegal because it makes us homicidal maniacs. That is the notion that started it all. I think we can look back at what they said about it and laugh. But it’s time to say no more of this bullshit. It’s not a war on “drugs”. It’s a war against humanity as the government should be on trial for this crime against humanity.

“There has never been a ‘war on drugs’! In our history we can only see an ongoing conflict amongst various drug users – and producers. In ancient Mexico the use of alcohol was punishable by death, while the ritualistic use of mescaline was highly worshipped. In 17th century Russia, tobacco smokers were threatened with mutilation or decapitation, alcohol was legal. In Prussia, coffee drinking was prohibited to the lower classes, the use of tobacco and alcohol was legal.”
Sebastian Marincolo

Smoke cannabis with me and I will take you to a wonderful journey to a place known as the republic of cannabis (click on link for photos and my description of it.) where  we smoke freely and jam to sweet music and where the souls are dancing in the clouds.  Yep, cannabis should be normal as breathing the air we breathe.

It’s a plant and not only smoking it should be normal, juicing with it should be normal (Which can’t really get you high as I wrote here), vaporizing (which is said to be much better than smoking.) it should be normal.  Baking with it should be normal. Fuck the regulations the government wants to impose on us and restrict us from those windows of perceptions. I want my perception HIGHtened! (See what I did there.) To go beyond the walls of our imaginations, beyond the confines of the limitations we have set.

“If the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.”

Terence McKenna

I know there are as much smokers as non smokers. So I invite you one and all to join together on a day that we schedule and smoke in public for civil disobedience all over the world. Together unified as one. Not on 420. We make our own 420, 420 everyday. Damn only 5 people will read this and be outside smoking looking around for other smokers.

Do you think cannabis should be normal?

Well share this if you liked this stoned thought of the day. Please leave any comment  down below if you think cannabis should be normal and if you think it should not be normal  But all comments are welcomed. Thanks. Peace, love unity and FREEDOM!