Video: First Harvest of Plantains on my Food Forest in Puerto Rico
What a lovely feeling it is to harvest your the first harvest of plantains of my food forest in Puerto Rico. After a year of waiting for the harvest. The best part is the pups that I get to continue planting more and more and more. I want more plantains and more bananas and more of everything. The food forest I am creating here is taking shape. Things are growing wonderfully. If anyone would like to help donate gift certificates from etsy to help me get more plants. I would appreciate it very much and would be very grateful. I also accept donations on pyapal here. Please Subscribe Please subscribe…
Off Grid Puerto Rico Food Forest Nov. 2021 Update
Here is a quick update at the beginning of my Puerto Rico food forest . Things are taking shape at my farm here in Boriken. It feels wonderful to see everything growing. I had this farm for 2 years now. I live a simple life without much money because I enjoy living this way, but it has been hard to get many things. I get things when I could. Little by little building my masterpiece. I look forward to the next chapters on this journey of growing a food forest here. Look forward to continue getting different fruit trees of all types. Also Many different flowering shrubs for the pollinators.…
Painting the Dining Room Of My Off Grid Home In Puerto Rico
After 2 years I am finally able to paint the dining room. I live a simple life. I am trying to do more with as little as possible. The whole house is getting painted outside as well. stay tuned for more and thanks to everyone for following me on this journey and for your support.
Using Seaweed As Fertilizer Mulch on Farm In Puerto Rico
On my farm I have started using Sargassum seaweed as fertilizer. I will be making another video talking about how to use it. For now below I will tell you how I to use it. How to Make Seaweed Fertilizer There is disagreement amongst gardeners about soaking or rinsing fresh seaweed to remove sea salt. Some experts suggest soaking the seaweed for about an hour and/or rinsing it. Other experts argue that the salt is minimal and rinsing removes valuable nutrients. Nonetheless, fresh seaweed is generally dried before being tilled into garden, mixed into compost bins, laid as mulch, or made into DIY seaweed fertilizer tea or powder. Once dried,…
Vídeo: Hablando Sobre Ser Disparado En cabeza Por Defender La Playa De en Puerto Rico
EN febrero de 2019, me golpearon en la cabeza con una pistola y me dispararon en la cara por grabar a una familia dejando la basura en una hermosa playa de Puerto Rico. Haga clic aquí para ver el video en cuestión. Haga clic aquí para leer más sobre el tiroteo. En este video hablo de lo que sucedió ese día sobre Ser Disparado En cabeza Por Defender La Playa De en Puerto Rico. Retiré los cargos de los que hablo en el video, pero puedes leer aquí. En más detalles por qué los retiré. Please subscribe to my youtube channel Follow me on Facebook and instagram Y my iotra…
Video: On Being Shot At Head For Defending Beach From Trash In Puerto Rico
ON february of 2019, I was beaten over the head with a gun and shot at my face for recording a family leaving the trash at a beautiful beach in Puerto rico. Click here for the video in question. Click here to read more abut the shooting. In this video I talk abot what happened that day. I dropped the charges which i speak about in the video, but you can read here.in more details why I dropped the charges. Please subscribe to my youtube channel Follow me on Facebook and instagram
Tour of the Start of Food Forest in Puerto Rico
In this video I give you a walk through of my food forest in Puerto Rico and what I plan on doing. It has been a long journey to get to this point and I look forward to continue making more videos showing everyone the progress of my food forest in Puerto Rico So please follow me on this next chapter. Subscribe to my youtube channel. If anyone would like to send donations. They could be sent through my website click here Or through paypal jivanlothario100@gmail.com I also take gift certificates for seeds and plants on that same email https://www.etsy.com/giftcards https://www.rareseeds.com/store/garde… Thanks all for the support. Please follow me on…
Vlog: Failed Adventure to a New River in Puerto Rico
Hello all welcome to my website, I will be sharing more videos of my adventures through Puerto Rico. Click here for more of my series Puerto Rico is my playground. On this episode, I go on a failed adventure in Puerto Rico as I travel to a new river but I could not manage to work my way down. But I shall head back there soon enough. So please subscribe to my youtube channel to be updated or my newsletter down below. Follow me on all social media @radicallywild Leave any comments or question down below, would love to hear from you.
Video: Muchos en Puerto Rico se preocupan por beber alcohol más que su propia isla
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a mi website. He estado viviendo en el hermoso paraíso durante los últimos 9 años y amo a su gente. Quiero que esta isla prospere y sea el paraíso que realmente es. Durante los últimos 6 años me encargué de cuidar las playas y los ríos de la basura y crear conciencia sobre este problema, ya que caminaba de playa a playa con carteles. Haga clic aquí para leer por qué elegí convertirme en el guardián autoimpuesto de las playas. También me encargué de crear conciencia sobre muchos de los problemas que enfrenta esta isla, ya que creo que es necesario que haya más personas…
Many in Puerto Rico Care More About Drinking Alcohol More Than Their Own Island
Revised 3/13/2024 Hello wild ones, welcome to my website. I have been living on the beautiful paradise for the last 13 years now and I love Boriken and it’s people. I want to see this island thrive and be the paradise that it truly is. For the last 11 years I took it upon myself to take care of the beaches and rivers from trash and raising awareness to this problem as I would walk from beach to beach with signs. Click here to read why I chose to become the self imposed guardian of the beaches. I also took it upon myself to raise awareness about many of the…