Many Families In Puerto Rico Enjoy The Island W/ Garbage
Ojo de agua, Manati, A beach that gets dirty all the time because the people want garbage cans conveniently for them everywhere even in hard to get to places like this. I cleaned what I could as I always do as I always do my one bag trash challenge. I picked up 3 bags of garbage. Seems to me that many families in Puerto Rico enjoying their beaches with garbage. By the way This is the same beach where a promoter had a rave at last year and in which he threatened me for speaking out about all the garbage they left there. click here to read . A family…
El Alcoholismo En Puerto Rico: La Problema Del Que Nadie Habla.
al·co·hol·ismo Alcoholismo (ăl’kə-hô-lĭz’əm, -hŏ-) n. Un trastorno caracterizado por un patrón persistente de consumo de alcohol que causa daño o angustia. Por lo general, involucra los antojos de alcohol, la incapacidad de controlar la cantidad consumida, los síntomas de abstinencia en su ausencia y la necesidad de consumir mayores cantidades para sentir los mismos efectos, y con frecuencia resulta en un funcionamiento social deficiente y un daño significativo a la salud física. Esta publicación se aplica a todo el mundo porque hay un problema importante en nuestro mundo y, ciertamente, en el lugar donde resido actualmente, la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico, un territorio de los EE. UU., Donde en…
Alcoholism In Puerto Rico : The Problem That No One Talks About
al·co·hol·ism Alcoholism (ăl′kə-hô-lĭz′əm, -hŏ-)n. A disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of alcohol use that causes harm or distress. It typically involves cravings for alcohol, inability to control the amount consumed, withdrawal symptoms in its absence, and the need to consume greater quantities in order to feel the same effects, and often results in impaired social functioning and significant damage to physical health. This post applies to the whole world because there is one major problem in our world and certainly here where I currently reside on, the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, A “U.S. territory, where in the USA, alcohol is king. That problem is alcoholism, whereas I feel…
Why Everyone Should Explore Nature In Puerto Rico
Currently I find myself in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. A magical enchanted place in which I had the privilege of living in for the last eight years by way of Brooklyn, NY. Click here to read why I moved to Puerto Rico. I think that everyone should explore nature in Puerto Rico. Many people would choose to go elsewhere for their vacation getaway, But I feel Puerto Rico has so much to offer and then some. The best part is that if you are a US citizen, no passport is required as Puerto Rico is a “U.S. territory”. Rivers, beaches, forest, caves, camping, hiking! Oh my! A magical…
Puerto Rico: ¡Reemplace la basura con flores y árboles frutales!
Puerto Rico: ¡Reemplace la basura con flores y árboles frutales! He estado viviendo en el hermoso paraíso perdido que es Puerto Rico durante los últimos 8 años. Cuando digo paraíso perdido, lo digo porque siento que este hermoso paraíso se ha perdido porque la gente lo ha descuidado. Es la razón por la que quiero ver a Puerto Rico reemplazar la basura con flores y árboles frutales. Durante los últimos 5 años he estado en una cruzada para concienciar a la gente de toda la basura alrededor de esta isla, ya que elegí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos cuando me cansé de ver que una isla…
Short Film: Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future In Puerto Rico
Here is a short film, Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future. Please share and watch this wonderful clip. Agriculturalist Stephanie Rodríguez is an inspiration. She is the change this island needs. I wrote about my vision for a sustainable future here. We need more people like her and others who can continue to grow food and produce locally. 85 percent of the food being imported here is not a good thing. I think more people should taking action to start changing that. I wrote a blog here that we should replace garbage with fruit trees. We are the change! Visit her page here. Film by Nicole harvey
Puerto Rico: Replace Garbage W/ Flowers and Fruit Trees!
Puerto Rico: Replace Garbage W/ Flowers and Fruit Trees! I have been living in the beautiful lost paradise that is Puerto Rico for the last 8 years and over the last 5 years. When I say lost paradise, I say that because I feel that this beautiful paradise has gotten lost because the people have neglected it for far too long. It is the reason why I want to see Puerto Rico replace garbage with flowers and fruit trees. I have been on a crusade to raise awareness to all the litter around this island, as I chose to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers as I grew…
Me Voy De Puerto Rico Para Viajar Y Encontrar Un Nuevo Lugar Para Llamar Mi Hogar
Mi Español no es tan bueno. Esto fue traducido de su versión original en inglés. Si hay errores por favor dejar me sabe. Gracias. He estado viviendo en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico durante los últimos 8 años, a través de Brooklyn, NY. Haga clic aquí para leer por qué me mudé a Puerto Rico. Durante los últimos 5 años, he dedicado mi tiempo a cuidar las hermosas playas y ríos, ya que decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos. (Haga clic para leer el motivo). Caminaba con carteles para concienciar a todas las personas que dejan la basura. Además, limpiaría las playas y los ríos…
Porqué decidí retirar los cargos sobre el hombre que me disparó en Puerto Rico
Porqué decidí retirar los cargos sobre el hombre que me disparó en Puerto Rico Mi Español no es tan bueno. Esto fue traducido de su versión original en inglés. Si hay errores por favor dejar me sabe. Gracias. En febrero de 2019 me golpearon con una pistola y me dispararon en la cara por grabar a una familia dejando su basura. La bala, por supuesto, rozó unos centímetros de mi pómulo, dejando una herida abierta en la cara para la cual necesitaba 4 puntos. Pero afortunadamente estoy muy agradecido por estar vivo. Haga clic aquí para ver el video que grabé de la familia. Lea más sobre el disparo haciendo…
Why I Decided To Drop The Charges On Man Who Shot My Face In Puerto Rico
Why I Decided To Drop The Charges On Man Who Shot At My Face In PR On February of 2019 I was beaten with a pistol and shot at my face for recording a family leaving their garbage. The bullet of course missed within centimeters of my cheekbone, leaving an open gash on my face which I needed 4 stitches for. But fortunately I am very thankful for being alive. Click here to see the video I recorded of the family. Read more about the shooting by clicking here. There were many factors on my decision to drop the charges. In this post I will write about those factors. Audio…