Subversiv's pick of Documentaries and videos
Short Film: Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future In Puerto Rico
Here is a short film, Regrowth – Cultivating a Sustainable Future. Please share and watch this wonderful clip. Agriculturalist Stephanie Rodríguez is an inspiration. She is the change this island needs. I wrote about my vision for a sustainable future here. We need more people like her and others who can continue to grow food and produce locally. 85 percent of the food being imported here is not a good thing. I think more people should taking action to start changing that. I wrote a blog here that we should replace garbage with fruit trees. We are the change! Visit her page here. Film by Nicole harvey
(Animated Short Film) IN-SHADOW – A Modern Odyssey
Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the West, and with courage face the Shadow. Through Shadow into Light. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -C.G. Jung This film was created with earnest effort, diligence, and sacrifice. It is an urgent call to growth. If you are moved by the content, please SHARE. Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections Composited by Sheldon Lisoy Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov ___ ‘IN-SHADOW’ is an entirely independently funded, not-for-profit film. If you’d like to…
Watch: DMT – The Spirit Molecule (Documentary)
The Spirit Molecule weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman’s groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing hallucinogen found in the human brain and hundreds of plants. Utilizing interviews with a variety of experts to explain their thoughts and experiences with DMT within their respective fields, and discussions with Strassman’s research volunteers brings to life the awesome effects of this compound, and far-reaching theories regarding its role in human consciousness. Several themes explored include possible roles for endogenous DMT; its theoretical role in near-death and birth experiences, alien-abduction experiences; and the uncanny similarities in Biblical prophetic texts describing DMT-like experiences. Our expert contributors offer a comprehensive collection…
Must Watch Documentary: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity About 3 years back I wrote a blog about a new world in our hearts, a vision of a sustainable future which many around the world including myself has woken up to. I awoke to the illusion on front of me. To see the pit trap that is the government and the systems that have shackled us. There has to be a change in the way we see the world. Here is a great documentary speaking about the vision we share. About the film A feature-length documentary directed by Jordan Osmond and Samuel Alexander, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity takes us to Gippsland,…
Watch: Terrence Mckenna – Claiming Your Identity And Trusting Yourself
Must Watch Documentary: Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged. As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional…
WATCH: Dirt! The Movie
Dirt The Movie DIRT The Movie–narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis–brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil. But more than the film and the lessons that it teaches, is a call to action. “When humans arrived 2 million years ago, everything changed for dirt. And from that moment on, the fate of dirt and humans has been intimately linked.” How can you affect that relationship for the better?
Watch: Terence McKenna – The Message
Documentary: We The Tiny House People: Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters
We are often led to believe we need the bigger home as we seek status as we seek to be in competition with one another. I think tiny homes can be efficient. TV producer and Internet-video personality Kirsten Dirksen invites us on her journey into the tiny homes of people searching for simplicity, self-sufficiency, minimalism and happiness by creating shelter in caves, converted garages, trailers, tool sheds, river boats and former pigeon coops.
WATCH Carl Sagan: On Humanity and The Pale Blue Dot That Is Our Home
Carl Sagan: On Humanity and The Pale Blue Dot That Is Our Home I look at this vast world in a vast universe and notice how tiny we truly are, not only the world but as a species. We are just dots, just specks among specks and we continue to go on living not truly living. As we have chosen to live in such a destructive way leaving nothing but a destructive path. I share this video of Carl Sagan who shares a similar thought. Please share. Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard…