El Alcoholismo En Puerto Rico: La Problema Del Que Nadie Habla.
al·co·hol·ismo Alcoholismo (ăl’kə-hô-lĭz’əm, -hŏ-) n. Un trastorno caracterizado por un patrón persistente de consumo de alcohol que causa daño o angustia. Por lo general, involucra los antojos de alcohol, la incapacidad de controlar la cantidad consumida, los síntomas de abstinencia en su ausencia y la necesidad de consumir mayores cantidades para sentir los mismos efectos, y con frecuencia resulta en un funcionamiento social deficiente y un daño significativo a la salud física. Esta publicación se aplica a todo el mundo porque hay un problema importante en nuestro mundo y, ciertamente, en el lugar donde resido actualmente, la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico, un territorio de los EE. UU., Donde en…
Alcoholism In Puerto Rico : The Problem That No One Talks About
al·co·hol·ism Alcoholism (ăl′kə-hô-lĭz′əm, -hŏ-)n. A disorder characterized by a persistent pattern of alcohol use that causes harm or distress. It typically involves cravings for alcohol, inability to control the amount consumed, withdrawal symptoms in its absence, and the need to consume greater quantities in order to feel the same effects, and often results in impaired social functioning and significant damage to physical health. This post applies to the whole world because there is one major problem in our world and certainly here where I currently reside on, the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, A “U.S. territory, where in the USA, alcohol is king. That problem is alcoholism, whereas I feel…
Libera Los Pies: Por Qué Vivo Descalzo En Puerto Rico
He estado viviendo en la hermosa isla tropical de Puerto Rico durante los últimos 7 años y durante los últimos tres años he estado viviendo completamente descalzo. Ha sido una experiencia emocionante. En este post compartiré por qué decidí vivir descalzo. Mira mis aventuras descalzos haciendo clic aquí He estado en un viaje de autorrealización ya que, como muchos, me he conformado con una forma de ser. Nos hemos adaptado a las muchas capas y máscaras que elegimos usar y que simplemente no conocemos. En este maravilloso viaje, he estado descubriendo esas capas del ser. Una de esas capas es la libertad de estar descalzo. Vivo mi vida con mi…
(Animated Short Film) IN-SHADOW – A Modern Odyssey
Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the West, and with courage face the Shadow. Through Shadow into Light. “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -C.G. Jung This film was created with earnest effort, diligence, and sacrifice. It is an urgent call to growth. If you are moved by the content, please SHARE. Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections Composited by Sheldon Lisoy Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov ___ ‘IN-SHADOW’ is an entirely independently funded, not-for-profit film. If you’d like to…
La Enfermedad Moral Del Patriotismo Por Jorge Majfud
La Enfermedad Moral Del Patriotismo Por Jorge Majfud Aqui comparto un escrito de Autor Jorge Majfud y asi es como me siento sobre el patriotismo. Yo escribe algo similar en el secion en inglis que puedes leer lo aqui. Natural es todo aquello que inventaron los hombres y las mujeres antes que naciésemos nosotros; toda mentira que no cuestionamos es necesariamente una verdad. Una mentira útil nunca sirve al engañado sino al que engaña. Una mentira útil, un instrumento de la perversión inhumana es el patriotismo. Por todos lados vemos inflamados discursos patrióticos, actos públicos, guerras y matanzas, ofensas y contraofensas, ceremonias de honor y ritos solemnes impulsados por esa…
Inspirational Quotes: G.I. Gurdjieff On Awakening
“Awakening is possible only for those who seek it and want it, for those who are ready to struggle with themselves and work on themselves for a very long time and very persistently in order to attain it.” ― G.I. Gurdjieff
What Is The Meaning Of Spirituality According To Sadhguru
What Is The Meaning Of Spirituality According To Sadhguru The Meaning of spirituality. I like to share this article because I could relate to Sadguru’s definition of spirituality and so it spoke to me because it was how I would describe it as well. Thus why the name of my website being the Cosmic Freedom. I am on that path towards that cosmic freedom as I have been removing the layers upon layers that has weighed me down. Enjoy what Sadhguru has to say about the meaning of spirituality Editor’s Note: This article is based on an excerpt from the December 2014 issue of Forest Flower. Oscar-winning filmmaker Shekhar Kapur…
Watch: Terrence Mckenna – Claiming Your Identity And Trusting Yourself
Watch: Terence McKenna – The Message
WATCH Carl Sagan: On Humanity and The Pale Blue Dot That Is Our Home
Carl Sagan: On Humanity and The Pale Blue Dot That Is Our Home I look at this vast world in a vast universe and notice how tiny we truly are, not only the world but as a species. We are just dots, just specks among specks and we continue to go on living not truly living. As we have chosen to live in such a destructive way leaving nothing but a destructive path. I share this video of Carl Sagan who shares a similar thought. Please share. Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard…