Donate To Help environmentalist create a food forest sanctuary in Puerto Rico
What do I need the donation for? I just recently was able to acquired a wonderful piece of farm land in Puerto Rico. My goal is to create a sanctuary for the birds, bees and other creatures, so they have a peaceful place to be with an abundance of food available for them as I plan on growing a food forest. I plan on growing many flowering trees as well as many fruiting trees. I want to create a symbiotic relationship with everything as nature intended. I need help obtaining fruit and flowering trees and shrubs. Also need help obtaining seeds. I will be sharing more videos and blogs on…
Many Families In Puerto Rico Enjoy The Island W/ Garbage
Ojo de agua, Manati, A beach that gets dirty all the time because the people want garbage cans conveniently for them everywhere even in hard to get to places like this. I cleaned what I could as I always do as I always do my one bag trash challenge. I picked up 3 bags of garbage. Seems to me that many families in Puerto Rico enjoying their beaches with garbage. By the way This is the same beach where a promoter had a rave at last year and in which he threatened me for speaking out about all the garbage they left there. click here to read . A family…
Puerto Rico: Replace Garbage W/ Flowers and Fruit Trees!
Puerto Rico: Replace Garbage W/ Flowers and Fruit Trees! I have been living in the beautiful lost paradise that is Puerto Rico for the last 8 years and over the last 5 years. When I say lost paradise, I say that because I feel that this beautiful paradise has gotten lost because the people have neglected it for far too long. It is the reason why I want to see Puerto Rico replace garbage with flowers and fruit trees. I have been on a crusade to raise awareness to all the litter around this island, as I chose to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers as I grew…
Audio Of Confrontation W/ The Lost Soul Who Shot At My Face In Puerto Rico
In February of 2019 I recorded a family leaving trash which can be seen by clicking here. Shortly after I was confronted by a lost soul whom the family in which I recorded called ahead to notify him that I recorded them as they wanted him to take my camera away. In the following video you will hear the audio of the confrontation with that lost soul, which resulted in me being beaten with a pistol and shot at the face. The bullet grazed by my cheekbone within centimeters of missing my face. You can read about the shooting here. Click Here for another video I recorded after the family…
Video: Me Dispararon En La Cabeza Por Grabar A Esta Familia Dejando Basura En La Playa En PR
VIDEO ABAJO Hola me llamo Jivan, Mi español no es tan bueno como no soy de aquí, llevo 8 años en el paraíso que es Puerto Rico. Vengo De Brooklyn, Ny. Puedes leer porque me mude para PR aqui. También puede ver Más contenido en el lado inglés de mi website aqui . ENGLISH HERE. More content on the english side. Dale Aquí puedes leer mas sobre el disparo. Dale Aqui puedes leer por que retire los cargos contra esa alma perdida. Dale Aqui para escuchar audio minutos ante del disparo Yo cuidaba las playas y rios de Puerto Rico He estado defendiendo las playas y ríos de la basura…
Video: Shot At The Head In Puerto Rico For Recording Family Leave Garbage
I have been defending the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico for the last 5 years from litter as I grew tired of seeing how most of the people of this island treat this beautiful paradise. Here you can read why I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. On February 2019, At a beach that I took care of, I was shot for recording this family leave garbage behind. I recorded them in order to get them to take that garbage out with them. Read more about me getting shot for this here. Here you can listen to audio of the altercation. Here You will find…
Shot At The Head For Defending Beach From Garbage In Puerto Rico
Shot At My Head For Defending A Beach From Garbage In Puerto Rico Hello , My name is JIvan. On February 2019 in a beautiful beach In Puerto Rico, I was beaten over the head with a pistol repeatedly and shot at my head with the bullet missing within centimeters of my face. All for briefly recording 1/4 of a family of close to 20 people who left their garbage at a beach in which I have defended mostly everyday. For over the last 5 years I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers and raise awareness to the garbage by educating the people with my environmental…
Me dispararon en la cabeza por defender una playa de la basura en Puerto Rico
Me dispararon en la cabeza por defender una playa de la basura en Puerto Rico Mi español no es tan bueno esto fue google translated. English aqui Hola mi llamo Jivan, En febrero de 2019, en una hermosa playa de Puerto Rico, me golpearon en la cabeza con una pistola repetidamente y me dispararon en la cabeza con la bala que rozaba a pocos centímetros de mi cara. Para grabar 1/4 de una familia de cerca de 20 personas que dejaron su basura en una playa en la que he defendido casi todos los días. Durante los últimos 5 años, decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos…
Video: Poem About Trash In Puerto Rico
Here I wrote a song entitled inconsciente which means unconscious minds which can be found below with these lyrics where I incorporate my environmental signs. I decided I will recite it as poem about trash in Puerto Rico. I recite it in Spanish but there are English subtitles. Here you can see all my signs and know why I decided to become the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico
Video: Basura que se dejó en una playa en Puerto Rico antes de que me dispararon en la cabeza
Aquí hay un video que se grabó después de que grabé a una familia que salía de una playa con toda esa basura. Para aquellos que no saben, he estado viviendo en Puerto Rico durante 7 años y he ido a diferentes playas y ríos con señales para aumentar la conciencia sobre la basura durante los últimos 5 años, ya que he decidido ser el guardián de la Playas y ríos, que se pueden leer aquí, ya que creo que todos debemos ser guardianes de este hermoso mundo, especialmente por el paraíso que es Puerto Rico. Una familia de cerca de 20 personas dejó su basura en esta hermosa playa…