11 Facts Not To Use Plastic And What We Could Do About It.
11 facts not to use plastic and what we could do about it. Currently, I am in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, I pick up trash every time I go anywhere on this island since it has become a landfill, I find many plastic cups, bags, straws that would all end up in the ocean and suffocating the species that call this world home if no one picked it up. But no one gives a damn since we live in a world where people no longer respect life. So much plastic and for what, we buy cups and Use it only once and then throw it wherever and so…
Short Thought-Provoking Video Exposing The Lie We Live
Exposing the truth about our corrupt world and what humanity has become. This is a short documentary film made by Spencer Cathcart, questioning our freedom, the education system, corporations, money, the American capitalist system, the US government, world collapse, the environment, climate change, genetically modified food, and our treatment of animals. I could have not said it better myself. Most of what this cosmic soul says in this well put together video is what I have been saying throughout this blog and throughout my videos and it is something many around the world are awakening to. Many of us are waking up from this world we live in and seeing it…
Why I Decided To Be The Guardian Of The Beaches And Rivers In Puerto Rico
Why I Decided To Be The Guardian Of The Beaches And Rivers In Puerto Rico Hello My name is Jivan and I have been living on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico for the past 8 years and for the past five years I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico as I grew tired of seeing this beautiful world of ours inundated with trash. I would walk around with my many signs every week at various beaches and rivers around the beautiful island of Puerto Rico to raise awareness to the people about the destruction we continue to cause by leaving the beaches,…
Por qué decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos en Puerto Rico W / Photos
Por qué decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos en Puerto Rico W / Photos Mi Español no es tan bueno. Uso google translate para traducir esto. Si hay errores por favor dejar me saber gracias. Versión en ingles aquí. Hola, me llamo Jivan y he estado viviendo en la hermosa isla de Puerto Rico durante los últimos 8 años y durante los últimos cinco años decidí ser el guardián de las playas y los ríos de Puerto Rico al concienciar a la gente sobre el La destrucción que seguimos causando al dejar las playas, ríos y caminos sucios con basura. Lo que hago cada vez…
How I Visualize My Environmental Signs At the Beaches And RIvers Of Puerto RIco
Metaphorically speaking, as I walk around with my signs, I visualize my signs as walking around with 2 white gloves slapping people around, just slapping some sense into the people. I challenge you to a duel! SLAP! SLAP! I view it as challenging the people to start taking action to start changing their ways and awaken them to the world that they have become to numb to see or realize. I want to plant seeds of change and hoping that those seeds will bloom. Some will choose to be ignorant and continue their ways, but deep down I am hopeful that the slap will remain etched in their heads. I…
What It Means To Be An Earth Warrior
What it means to be an Earth Warrior I have been living in Puerto Rico for about 8 years and I have been protesting with my signs around this beautiful island to raise awareness to the trash people throw all over this paradise. You could read and view pictures of my plight here. My plight would have me go to 5 different beaches all in one day. As I would walk down through these beaches I would collect any trash I would find along the way. I would go to the beaches and raised awareness with my many signs for humanities neglect of Mother Earth and from there my journey…
The One Trash Bag Challenge To Change Our Environment
The One Trash Bag Challenge To Change Our Environment Hi there my beautiful wild souls. For over the past 5 years I have been walking around the beautiful beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico with signs to raise awareness to the trash people would leave behind. As I went along the beaches and rivers, I would clean whatever garbage I found as I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers here and I think we could all be the the guardian of where ever we may be. UPDATE! I wrote this in 2015 and now I see that now in 2019 people are doing a challenge to…
Te Reto: Recojan Una Bolsa Llena Para Cambiar El Medio Ambiente
Reto Para Cambiar El Medio Ambiente Hola todos mi hermanos y hermanas Me gustaría lanzar un reto. Cada vez que vas a la playa, río o lo que sea, recoja una o dos bolsa de basura y llenarlo de la basura que estas en los caminos. Como ejemplo, cerca de los tubos de Manati hay un bosque lleno de basura, has escondido en los arboles de las playas. Simplemente cuando llegan a las playas recoje una bolsa llena de basura y haciste su parte. Ahora haz que tus amigos participar y juntos podemos hacer la diferencia. Solo una bolsa cada uno cada vez que vamos para estos sitios bonito de…
We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home
We Are The Earth That We Walk On And The species That Call It Home Here is a protest campaign I did here in the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico. As long as I am on this earth, I will stand up and be the voice of the voiceless. The thing is the earth and the different species that call it home have a voice but we don’t listen. We have our heads to busy in the sand, too busy chasing the wrong shade of green. I find this protest to be sort of art in motion. Poetic justice. I walk around every week and as many days as…
Watch What Happens When Humanity Ignores Garbage (Short Film)
Watch What Happens When Humanity Ignores Garbage Here is a video Raising awareness to pollution. When i arrive to the beach, the first thing i do is look around and pick up any garbage that there might be. Anything going into the ocean or anything that can be blown by the wind into the ocean, cups, bags. It is our responsibility to take action and keep our world clean. Whatever we can do, no matter how small. It still makes an impact and we have to be the collective dents to make a big enough impact and that can only happen if we all work together. Work towards bettering our…