This Is The Puerto RIco That I Love EP. 1
Every week I will bring you videos of all the beautiful places in PR that I love. All the magic of this beautiful paradise. Subscribe, like and share. More adventures await. be sure to check out my other series, Puerto Rico is my playground and my radically wild barefoot adventures
Saltando Desnudo En El Río Salto Curet Maricao, Puerto Rico
Bienvenido a mi serie de youtube. Puerto Rico is my playground episodio 6. Aquí voy saltando desde el acantilado desnudo hacia el río Salto Curet Maricao, en Puerto Rico, nunca experimenté saltar al río desnudo. Así que decidí hacerlo para experimentar algo nuevo y debo decir que disfruté del sentimiento liberador de caer libremente desnudo en un río. Este río se encuentra en el lado sur occidental de Puerto Rico y también está disponible como parte de mis radically wild tours. Ver más episodios de Puerto Rico es mi playground here en el sección en ingles
Puerto Rico Is My Playground EP. 10: Climbing Up Paradise
In this episode I am climbing up paradise. Before the only thing that I would climb were all the flight of steps in the NYC subway and buildings, Now I climb trees and rocks as I have become radically wild. Connect back to nature! Our inner wildness lies dormant underneath the facade of “civilization”. Enjoy view Puerto Rico is my playground episodes here. The featured artist for this video: Makak Song: Gondwanaland Album: Visiting dog
Video: Poem About Trash In Puerto Rico
Here I wrote a song entitled inconsciente which means unconscious minds which can be found below with these lyrics where I incorporate my environmental signs. I decided I will recite it as poem about trash in Puerto Rico. I recite it in Spanish but there are English subtitles. Here you can see all my signs and know why I decided to become the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico
Video: In Puerto Rico Most Of The People Choose To Ignore The Garbage Around Them
Video down Below Here we have Poza las mujeres in Manati, Puerto Rico. I wrote a blog here 2 years ago about the destruction of this beautiful beach as week in and week out people leave there trash behind only to end up being blown by the wind into the ocean. That for the people who leave their trash behind is a welcomed solution as they are just too lazy to carry out their own garbage when it is light, yet they have no problem bringing it when it is heavy. I have lived in Puerto Rico for the last 8 years and I have been on a mission for…
Puerto Rico Is My Playground EP:9 Swarmed By A School Of Fish
Here I am snorkeling as a school of blue striped fishes circling me. Come join me in snorkeling on my radically wild tour where I don’t take you on a tour, I take you on an experience.
Video: Walking Barefoot Over Hot (Bridge)Puente La Bellaca, Quebradilla, Puerto Rico
Here I take a walk on and over the bridge that is known as Puente la bellaca in Quebradilla. Puerto Rico. It was completed in 1903. I will write more about it’s history. ENjoy please share.
Cliff Jumping Naked Into River Salto Curet Maricao, Puerto Rico
Welcome to my youtube series Puerto Rico is my playground episode 6. Here I go Cliff Jumping Naked Into River Salto Curet Maricao, Puerto Rico , I never experienced jumping naked into a river. So I decided to do it to experience something new and I must say I enjoyed the liberating feeling of free falling down nude into a river. This river is on the southern Eastern side of Puerto Rico and is also available as part of the radically wild tours. Watch more episodes of Puerto Rico is my playground here.
Jumping off A Rope into A Beautiful River In Puerto Rico
Ukulele Sessions: Singing My Environmental Signs
Here I play my Ukulele and sing my environmental signs that I have been carrying with me along the beaches and rivers in Puerto Rico for the past 5 years in many of the beautiful rivers and beaches of Puerto Rico. You can see more photos and read why I protest for the environment here. Enjoy Please share and leave any comments down below!