Chopping a fallen tree with a machete in my farm in Puerto Rico vlog #4
Here On my beautiful farm in beautiful Puerto Rico, A gumbo limbo tree has fallen and blocked my way out on the road. All I had was a machete in my farm, so I went to work to try to remove the big trunk. Took me a while but finally got the job done. Please subscribe to my youtube channel as I will be posting more of my adventures and sharing my radically wild lifestyle, perspectives, my adventures on my farm and through out this beautiful paradise and please visit me on all social media @radicallywild
Puerto Rico Is My Playground Ep. 14 Rainy day Cliff jump
Time for another radically wild adventure in Puerto Rico and more to come. Here I enjoy a rainy day and cliff jump into a beautiful river Be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel and my website’s newsletter to be updated with follow me on everything radically wild Check out the rest of my adventures here.
Ukulele Session: Singing About Trash In Puerto Rico
Here I am singing a song about the trash in Puerto Rico, but can also be applied to the rest of the world. I incorporated the many signs I walked around with for the past 5 years throughout the beaches and rivers in Puerto Rico as I went on a mission to raise awareness. I became the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read more about that.
Video: Starting A food forest In My Farm In Puerto Rico
I have been living in the beautiful paradise that is Puerto Rico for the last 8 years. Click here to read why I moved here fromBrooklyn, NY. For the past 5 years, I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers of Puerto Rico. I was recently going to leave the island because I recently was shot at my face for defending this beautiful beach. But after finding this land, I have decided to stay in Puerto Rico to grow my food forest. Which you can read more about here. A new chapter begins for me here in the beautiful paradise that is Puerto Rico as I was…
Video: In Puerto Rico Many Of The People Grow Garbage Not Food
In the beautiful paradise Puerto Rico The majority of the people Grow Garbage, not food as you would find garbage all over the roads and the beautiful beaches and rivers . Which is why for the past 5 years I have dedicated my time to walk around with signs and clean up the beaches and rivers as I decided to be the guardian of the beaches and rivers. Click here to read about that. I have lived in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico for the last 8 years. Here we have such a beautiful paradise and sadly I find that the majority of the people do not love this…
Artist Donates His Solar Panel To Me In Puerto Rico
In this post I will write about a wonderful soul who donated his one and only solar panel off his roof to help me out with my new home. I was finally able to get me a farm in beautiful Puerto Rico to grow the food forest that I have always wanted and continue to work with mother nature more profoundly. A place where I will grow many fruit trees and flowering trees for the birds, bees and butterfly. I found my sanctuary surrounded by a beautiful forest. Off the grid The farm came with a very old concrete home that needs repairs. It has no windows nor does it…
Staying In Puerto Rico To Grow Food Forest In My New Farm
For the last eight years I have lived in the beautiful paradise that is Puerto Rico. What a journey that I have been on. The road has led to this point in time where I was deciding to stay or leave, a decision I struggled with because I love this island. So much magic all in a condensed area. But the decision was made easy when I finally was able to obtain farm land to create my vision of creating a magical food forest filled with the abundance of life. In this post I will write more about my journey and the farm. The start of my journey Initially I…
Done para ayudar al activista ambiental
¿Por qué deberías donar? ¿Quién soy y qué he hecho? Mi nombre es Jivan y hace 9 años me mudé de Brooklyn NY a Puerto Rico, durante los últimos 6 años, me dediqué a convertirme en el guardián de las playas y ríos a medida que me cansaba de ver basura en todo este hermoso paraíso. Comencé a caminar con carteles para crear conciencia sobre este problema. Me convertí en una valla publicitaria humana y llevé mis carteles a todas partes, incluso si había solo algunas personas, todo lo que necesitaba era una persona para leerlos. Hice esto casi todos los días. Había una playa de la que más me…
Donate To Help environmentalist create a food forest sanctuary in Puerto Rico
What do I need the donation for? I just recently was able to acquired a wonderful piece of farm land in Puerto Rico. My goal is to create a sanctuary for the birds, bees and other creatures, so they have a peaceful place to be with an abundance of food available for them as I plan on growing a food forest. I plan on growing many flowering trees as well as many fruiting trees. I want to create a symbiotic relationship with everything as nature intended. I need help obtaining fruit and flowering trees and shrubs. Also need help obtaining seeds. I will be sharing more videos and blogs on…
Muchas Familias En Puerto Rico Disfrutan De La Isla Con Basura
Ojo de agua, Manati, una playa que se ensucia todo el tiempo porque la gente quiere botes de basura convenientemente para ellos en todas partes, incluso en lugares difíciles de llegar. Limpié lo que pude como siempre lo hago, como siempre hago mi desafío de basura de una bolsa. Recogí 3 bolsas de basura. Me parece que muchas familias en Puerto Rico disfrutan de sus playas con basura. Por cierto, esta es la misma playa donde un promotor tuvo un rave fiesta el año pasado y en la que me amenazó por hablar sobre toda la basura que dejaron allí. Haga clic aquí para leer. Una familia deja más basura…