I have been living in the beautiful paradise known as Puerto Rico for the past 8 years. I have been living completetly barefoot for the …
puerto rico
Free The Feet: Why I Live Barefoot In Puerto Rico
I have been living in the beautiful tropical island of Puerto Rico for the past 7 years and for the past three years I have …
Proposal: Punishment For Littering Our Beautiful World
Hello my beautiful wild souls, I have been living in Puerto Rico for 8 years and have spent the last 5 years on a mission …
Video: En Puerto Rico, La Mayoría Ignorar La Basura Que Los Rodea
Video down Below Aquí tenemos a Poza las mujeres en Manatí, Puerto Rico. Escribí un blog aquí hace 2 años sobre la destrucción de esta …
Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico Vol. 2 February 2019
I love sunsets and live for the sunsets. I love to take pictures of sunsets and share them on my Instagram account But I will …
Beautiful Sunsets Of Puerto Rico January 2019
I love sunsets and live for the sunsets. I love to take pictures of sunsets and share them on my Instagram account But I will posting more beautiful pictures of sunset and nature here on my website. So be sure to subscribe to my website and follow me on social media on facebook as radicallywild
Video: Basura que se dejó en una playa en Puerto Rico antes de que me dispararon en la cabeza
Aquí hay un video que se grabó después de que grabé a una familia que salía de una playa con toda esa basura. Para aquellos …
Video: Trash That was Left Behind At A Beach In Puerto Rico Before being Shot At My Head
Here is a video that was recorded after I recorded a family leaving a beach I took care of with all that trash. For those …
Video: In Puerto Rico Most Of The People Choose To Ignore The Garbage Around Them
Video down Below Here we have Poza las mujeres in Manati, Puerto Rico. I wrote a blog here 2 years ago about the destruction of …
¿Por qué se debe prohibir las peleas de gallos en Puerto Rico
El miércoles de diciembre, el 12º 2018 congreso dio el paso final a la legislación que cerraría las peleas de gallos en los territorios de …